Last week, two organizations announced a partnership to promote the pro-life message. Personhood USA and the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference announced a partnership on April 12. According to Keith Mason, President of Personhood USA, “Personhood USA is honored to partner with the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference. We believe the Hispanic community, with its long-standing tradition of strong families and faith, holds the key to restoring pro-life values in America.” (You can read the April 12 press release from Personhood USA here.)
According to the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, Personhood USA has received the distinction as a LIFE directive Partner. The Rev. Eliezer Bonilla, Sr. Pastor of Abundant Life Church of God in San Antonio, Texas and a National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference Board executive board member, noted, “At a time when the redefinition of what a person is an when a person begins, we find voices like Personhood USA clarifying and reaffirming who a person is – a human being at any age.”
In an April 16 release on the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference website, the NHCLC writes that “[a] culture of death inevitably cheapens life in all its stages and conditions by promoting the belief that lives that are imperfect, immature or inconvenient are discardable. As predicted by many prescient persons, the cheapening of life that began with abortion has not metastasized. For example, human embryo-destructive research and its public funding are promoted in the name of science and in the cause of developing treatments and cures for diseases and injures.”
The partnership between the National Hispanic Leadership Conference and Personhood USA will help promote a culture of life. The values shared by the organizations are evident in the mission statement from Personhood USA:
Personhood USA desires to glorify Jesus Christ in a way that creates a culture of life so that all innocent human lives are protected by love and by law.
Personhood USA serves the pro-life community by assisting local groups to initiate citizen, legislative, and political action focusing on the ultimate goal of the pro-life movement: personhood rights for all innocent humans.
We intend to build the support of at least two thirds of the states in an effort to reaffirm personhood within the U.S. Constitution.
Personhood USA opposes vigilante violence.
The National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, also known as the Hispanic Evangelical Association, is the largest Christian Hispanic organization in the country. The NHCLC includes 34,200 member churches and 16 million constituents. You can read more about the NHCLC here.
Personhood USA is a movement seeking to respect God-given right to life by recognizing all human beings as persons who are “created in the image of God” from the beginning of their biological development, without exceptions. Personhood USA promotes personhood amendment initiatives throughout the United States. You can find more about Personhood USA here.