
Phoenix, AZ late-term abortion center exposed




 Third Undercover Video Investigation Exposes Abortion Doctor and Clinic Worker Who Would Leave Babies Born Alive from Failed Abortion to Die

Six-Month Investigation Reveals Illegal, Inhuman, and Gruesome Practices at Abortion Centers across the Country

Arlington, VA: Live Action today released a third undercover video exposing Phoenix, AZ late-term abortion doctor Laura Mercer and an abortion center counselor who would leave a newborn, struggling for life after a failed abortion, to die. This is the third in a series of undercover videos, found at, involving the illegal and inhuman practices of late-term abortion centers, as well as describing in horrific detail what happens to the mother and baby in a late-term abortion.

When asked by the undercover investigator what would happen if the baby were to survive the abortion, Linda, an abortion center counselor, admits they would not help the baby:

Sometimes they are [alive], yeah. But it doesn’t–it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will come out whole. ‘Cause they use suction, plus they use instruments so sometimes the fetuses don’t come out–you know, it’s not complete…

Investigator: But if it does come out whole…I mean, are–will they resuscitate it? Like, will I have to take care of it?

Linda: Uh-uh… No…They do not resuscitate.

“This video is just the latest evidence of a disturbing and horrifying trend occurring inside America’s abortion industry,” said Lila Rose of Lila Action.  “The horrors of the Kermit Gosnell trial are a widespread problem in this industry.    Dismembering and destroying innocent children, leaving born babies to die, injecting poison into the chest of a tiny child so that he slowly dies in his own mother’s womb – this is all standard operating procedure in the abortion industry.  But these children are human beings. They have the same basic human rights and deserve the same protections all of us enjoy.”

Doctor Mercer tells an undercover Live Action investigator who is 24 weeks pregnant:

We do the injection, which is a quick poke through your belly, um, and that stops the fetal heart, so that makes it so, if you were to deliver, there shouldn’t be movement. There shouldn’t be any of those things… Yes we induce a demise–an intrauterine demise… Um, death.

Then the Live Action investigator asks whether an ambulance should be called if the mother goes into labor during the two-day procedure. Dr. Mercer instructs the investigator not to call:

No, call us first…if you showed up in an average emergency room with an emergency room physician who’s not a gynecologist, probably has never seen or done a termination, they will treat you as though you are somebody with a desired pregnancy…

Investigator: So they would basically like try to take care of it.

Dr. Mercer: Right they would intervene and do all kinds of crazy things that you don’t need to have done to you…

Live Action President Lila Rose condemned the “barbaric, inhuman, and deeply disturbing” practices espoused by Dr. Mercer and the late-term abortion center staff at Family Planning Associates Medical Group. “The testimony we’ve documented in this abortion facility strongly suggests that staff there are committing infanticide,” said Rose.  “The Family Planning Associates Medical Group needs to be investigated immediately, and delicensed.  Women are at risk during these brutal procedures, and this is a matter of life and death for these children.”

Earlier in the week, Live Action released videos ( of a Bronx, NY abortion counselor describing how a born-alive baby would be placed in a jar of toxic “solution” to ensure death, and of a D.C. doctor who would leave a baby born alive after a botched abortion to die. The videos are part of Live Action’s six-month undercover investigation shedding light on the illegal, inhuman, and gruesome practices of numerous abortion centers throughout the country.

Rose is calling for Attorney General Eric Holder and the U.S. Attorney’s office to investigate and prosecute Dr. Mercer and the Family Planning Associates Medical Group, who admit they violate federal law. Rose also called on local health and law enforcement officials to investigate Dr. Mercer and Family Planning Associates Medical Group and put an end to illegal and inhuman practices.

From the letter to General Holder: “We urge you, as the U.S. Attorney General, to speak out against this injustice, and to see to it that Dr. Mercer and the Family Planning Associates Medical Group are duly investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. … I hope that you will do everything in your power to speak out for victims of infanticide – both the children and the women – and to protect the human rights of our weakest citizens.”

Live Action is a youth-led movement dedicated to building a culture of life and ending the human rights abuse of abortion. The group uses new media to educate the public about the humanity of the unborn and investigative journalism to expose threats against the vulnerable and defenseless. More information at

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