Title X family planning grants awarded to Planned Parenthood so far this year total nearly $17 million, according to information published by the Office of Population Affairs (OPA) — $2 Million more than the amount previously documented by Live Action News in April. The family planning program is overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which has allocated nearly $265 million to various organizations, including Planned Parenthood, in 2022.

Planned Parenthood receives Title X funding from HHS (Image: Twitter)
$16.8M to Planned Parenthood in 2022
So far in 2022, $16,818,770 has been awarded to nine Planned Parenthood Affiliates in 13 states:
- Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, HI, AK, IN, and KY (Alaska): $1,102,570
- Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, Inc. (Connecticut): $1,890,000
- Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, HI, AK, IN, and KY (Idaho): $538,040
- Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, HI, AK, IN, and KY (Indiana): $542,670
- Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, HI, AK, IN, and KY (Kentucky): $500,610
- Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota (Minnesota): $2,880,000
- Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (New Hampshire): $502,500
- Planned Parenthood South Atlantic (North Carolina): $477,720
- Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio (Ohio): $2,000,000
- Planned Parenthood South Atlantic (South Carolina): $569,980
- Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas Family Planning & Preventative Health Services (Texas): $2,305,890
- Planned Parenthood Association of Utah (Utah): $2,250,000
- Virginia League for Planned Parenthood (Virginia): $1,258,790
In addition, Essential Access Health was awarded $13,200,000 in Title X funds in California and $2,100,000 in Hawaii. As previously detailed by Live Action News, EAH states online that it is not only a member of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s California Future of Abortion Council, but also a “lead trainer and convener of campus health center partners and stakeholders” to support implementation of the state’s SB24 legislation, which forced California colleges to provide abortion access on campus.
Family Planning Association of Maine, Inc., which does business as Maine Family Planning and has been part of the Gynuity-sponsored TelAbortion clinical trial (which is offering the abortion pill to children as young as 10), was awarded $1,925,000 in Title X dollars.
New Jersey Family Planning League, Inc., which boasts several Planned Parenthood facilities in its network of family planning agencies, was awarded $8,550,000 from the Title X program.
Planned Parenthood abuses and scandals
Planned Parenthood has been embroiled in multiple controversies, including accusations of abuses, scandals, fraud, racism, pregnancy discrimination, privacy breaches, and Medicaid fraud — yet the United States Government under the Biden Administration continues to funnel millions in taxpayer dollars to this corrupt organization.
The corporation disseminates unscientific, fabricated and misleading medical information to women considering abortions, and former staffers have revealed how Planned Parenthood misinforms women about the development of their preborn babies, how they have a poor standard of care for clients (with former managers accusing them of “treating women like cattle”), and how they utilize ultrasound only for abortions.
Planned Parenthood fails to comply with mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse
Live Action News has documented Planned Parenthood’s willingness to aid sex traffickers, willingness to commit sex-selective abortions, and much more. All of these should disqualify Planned Parenthood from receiving Title X funding.
Live Action’s Aiding Abusers investigative report and docuseries, which includes actual criminal cases and testimony from the attorney of two victims, exposed how Planned Parenthood covers up child sexual abuse. In addition, Live Action undercover investigative videos documented Planned Parenthood employees at 15 different facilities showing a willingness to cover up child sexual abuse and child sex trafficking.
An interview between Live Action president Lila Rose and a former Planned Parenthood manager revealed that instead of helping employees identify and report potential abuse, the corporation’s training sessions instructed staff on how to identify undercover journalists and whether they were being recorded.
Planned Parenthood’s poor treatment of employees
Planned Parenthood employees have gone public to expose long-held secrets and inner workings of the organization, including failing to pay employees a decent wage, shoddy treatment, discriminating against pregnant employees, and prioritizing profits over care. They also revealed that Planned Parenthood has abortion goals. Staffers also alleged the organization was “more concerned” with power and money than anything else and exposed the corporation’s perpetually toxic culture.
In addition, Live Action News previously documented accusations of the corporation’s discrimination against its own staffers for:
- Violation of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Violation of Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Failure to accommodate disabilities
- Racial comments
- Sexual harassment
- Retaliation
- Identifying conflicts of interest
- Pregnancy discrimination (and here) and profit over care.
Planned Parenthood accused of racism
Planned Parenthood has been steeped in racism, according to hundreds of past and current Planned Parenthood employees who published an open letter which alleged the abortion organization was “founded by a racist, white woman” and has a “present steeped in white supremacy.” Additional employees at other affiliates told Buzzfeed News they had witnessed “open racism,” endured “segregated” offices, and experienced overall unequal treatment of Black and minority employees at multiple Planned Parenthood centers across the country. Planned Parenthood’s “systemic racism” was later acknowledged by multiple affiliates. An internal audit also confirmed that Planned Parenthood Federation of America has a racism problem.
In 2021, Planned Parenthood fired a CEO in Seattle for accusations of racism. Recently, a lawsuit filed by former Planned Parenthood employee Nicole Moore alleged that the abortion corporation pretends it doesn’t “enable racism” while “avoiding accountability.” Moore’s alleged that “structural racism” was “widespread.” Her allegations came on the heels of recent accusations which claimed that Planned Parenthood has a “systemic racism” problem.
Planned Parenthood’s shoddy “health care”
Lawsuits surrounding Planned Parenthood reveal that the quality of care they provide is less than stellar. A lawsuit filed against Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, Inc. (PPSNE), a recipient of TitleX funds, alleged a PPSNE midwife misdiagnosed a pregnancy that resulted in the death of a 22-week-old baby boy after telling the pregnant woman that she had miscarried at six weeks. Another alleges PPSNE failed to notice a client was 14 weeks pregnant before inserting an IUD. A third separate lawsuit alleges that a PPSNE abortionist left a woman permanently injured.
A separate lawsuit filed against Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic (PPHP) accused the organization of miscalculating a woman’s pregnancy so egregiously that she painfully delivered a “fully formed” 30 to 36-week baby boy into a toilet after Planned Parenthood’s abortionist allegedly told the woman she was just six (6) weeks along, then prescribed her abortion pills. Another lawsuit alleged that Planned Parenthood botched a client’s abortion and abandoned her afterwards, leaving her with weeks of pain and blood loss — and then, a premature delivery of her baby, who survived for an hour after birth though her mother was told she was stillborn.
Planned Parenthood fails to protect patient confidentiality:
Below are instances where Planned Parenthood has been careless with patient data, failing to protect the confidentiality of medical records and identifiable personal information:
- Planned Parenthood Bedford Heights was ordered to pay thousands by the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) for dumping private patient information in the trash, along with the remains of aborted children (2022). Planned Parenthood Los Angeles (PPLA) claimed a “hacking incident” affected 409,759 clients (2021). Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, D.C. revealed a “hacking incident” affected 500 Planned Parenthood clients (2021).
- Planned Parenthood Great Plains posted a notice regarding a security breach at Blackbaud, a data management software and cloud computing software vendor of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and several affiliates, which “compromised some donor data” for multiple Planned Parenthood affiliates across the nation. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, one of the Title X recipients, was among the affiliates affected by the 2020 Blackbaud breach, which exposed patient data (2020).
- Planned Parenthood of the Heartland reported a privacy breach of 515 patients at its Bettendorf center in Iowa (2018). Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho (PPGWNI) notified patients about a data security “error” involving 10,700 patients patients (2016).
- Planned Parenthood of the Heartland closed its facility in Dubuque, Iowa, and left thousands of private medical records inside the building for months while the building was being shown and eventually sold. Planned Parenthood of the Heartland reported the breach, affecting 2,506 individuals, in July of 2016.
- Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region at PP Elizabeth Campbell Center in Cincinnati left a storage location that housed private prescription medical logs unlocked, which was later placed in the trash dumpster then emptied by the trash collector (2014).
- Planned Parenthood in Trexlertown, Pennsylvania, violated the Federal Standards for Privacy Identifiable Health Information after sending a bill for a patient to the wrong person, according to a complaint received by Office of Civil Rights (OCR) in 2014.
Live Action News has documented more here.