Dr. Michelle Forcier, an abortionist who claimed she “worked for a number of Planned Parenthoods for 20 years” providing “advanced contraception and abortion as well as gender hormones,” told the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh that “There’s research and data that shows that babies and infants understand differences in gender.”
Note that Forcier does not equate biological sex with gender. Therefore, she is not simply claiming that babies know the difference between male and female/mother and father.
Forcier, an associate professor of pediatrics at Brown University Alpert Medical School, was interviewed in the Daily Wire’s documentary “What is a Woman?” in which she claimed that “Some children figure out their gender really early.” Forcier, who says she “takes care of hundreds of kids,” also claimed that young children are “figuring out their gender identity is not necessarily congruent with their sex at birth.”
“All kids play with gender,” Forcier told NBC News. “Three- and four-year-olds know about gender,” Forcier stated. “So, some kids at a very early age they know what gender they are. It just doesn’t match what they’ve been assigned at birth.”
She also claimed that “kids rarely change their minds about their gender identity.”
Forcier told NBC News in a separate interview that gender identity is not in the body. “It’s our brain, our heart, and our soul… Identity… isn’t parts,” she claimed, while pointing to her head. “It’s in here.” Some kids “look at their parts and say, ‘my brain says I’m a girl – but I have boy parts,'” she added.
“When a brain says – wait a minute – my body doesn’t match my brain, and my soul, and my heart’s idea of who I am as boy or girl – my identity as a human being – and my masculinity or femininity – we can call that transgender. Where body gender and brain gender may be in different places,” Forcier stated.
As for what it means to “play with gender,” Forcier attempted to explain the difference between gender identity and gender expression, telling NBC News, “All kids play with gender. All kids experiment with gender roles and maleness and femaleness. You know they play the daddy – they play the mommy….”
“But gender non-conformity is different. It’s persistent, consistent, and insistent,” she added. “And these are kids — who, when you want them to put on a dress for Aunt Sally’s wedding — scream. They cry. As early as four, five, or six years old. These are kids that try to change their body at an early age. And these are kids whose current body and current gender make them very very sad,” she claimed.
When Forcier speaks to kids who are brought to her office, she told Walsh that she asks them to “tell me your story – where have you been in terms of your gender and your gender identity? Where are you right now? And more excitingly, where would you like to be in the future?”
It is interesting that Forcier describes her work as if it respects the rights of children, when in fact, there are many children whose lives are deliberately ended because of her work. Live Action’s “What is Abortion?” video series describes the gruesome lack of respect that Planned Parenthood and other abortion “providers” show to children’s bodies before they are born:
Asked by Walsh about “medical affirmation,” or so-called “puberty blockers,” Forcier responded, “So, medical affirmation begins when the patient says they are ready for it. So that could be a kiddo whose is just starting puberty and panicking because they are getting breast buds or their penises are getting bigger and busier and they’re worried about all kinds of masculine changes.” She claimed that these drugs allow for a “pause” and “delay that period of time.”
Puberty, Forcier separately told NBC News, can start as early as eight years of age. “Eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14… again, it’s a big moving target,” she said.
But according to Yahoo! Life, “The New York Times found emerging evidence that blockers may potentially have long-term effects on bone health, leading to heightened risk of debilitating fractures earlier in life.”
“In cases where they are prescribed to patients at the ‘first stage of puberty’ — as early as 8, and before progressing to hormones as soon as 12 or 13 — some doctors fear the treatment will force children’s bodies to ‘lock in’ place, before they have a full understanding of their gender identity (which typically begins at puberty),” Yahoo! Life reported.
As for surgery, Forcier told Yahoo! Life that surgeries are done only on minors with “severe” cases of gender dysphoria.
“Some asserting males will benefit from top surgery or male chest construction,” she said. “Say, for example, you identify as male, have had breasts since age 10 and have significant chest dysphoria. At 15 they and their parents would say, ‘Testosterone is not enough,'” Forcier told Yahoo! Life. “Vaginoplasty,” she said, “requires more post-operative care, so again, it’s approached case-by-case.”
Forcier’s online bio says she is a clinician at Folx Health, a consultant for ConferMed, and also works for Planned Parenthood. A 2021 commentary published in the Journal Pediatrics claims that “Dr Forcier works as a clinical consultant for Planned Parenthood and Open Door Health.” A separate published study claimed, “Michelle Forcier is a paid consultant for Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts.”
However, Forcier’s curriculum vitae shows she has worked as Consultant/Clinician for Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, Consultant/Clinician and Quality Assurance Committee for Planned Parenthood Chicago Area, Medical Director for Planned Parenthood Health Services Inc., and Consultant/Clinician for Planned Parenthood Central North Carolina.
It is unclear if Forcier currently works for Planned Parenthood today — but her beliefs match those of Planned Parenthood, which — as Live Action News previously documented — claimed online that children as young as two years of age can “know their gender identity.”
Planned Parenthood website claims a two-year-old child can know his or her gender identity
And Forcier is not the only medical professional making claims that children can know their gender at very young ages. Purported gender experts at Boston Children’s Hospital have also passed along the idea that children can know their “gender identity” from the womb — alleging that parents of transgender-identifying children insisted to them that their children knew “from the minute they were born.”
Video claim: Children know gender ‘from the womb’
Kerry McGregor a psychologist at Boston Children’s Hospital’s Gender Multispecialty Service (GeMS) clinic claimed, “So most of the patients we have in the GEMS clinic actually know their gender usually around the age of puberty, but a good portion of children do know as early as seemingly from the womb. And they will usually express their gender identity as very young children, some as soon as they can talk,” McGregor alleged, without citing any evidence to back her claim.
“They might say phrases such as, ‘I’m a girl’ or ‘I’m a boy’ or “I’m going to be a woman’ or “I’m going to be a mom.’ Kids know very very early,” she claimed.
The video below has since been removed from the Boston Children’s Hospital’s webpage but is still preserved in archive.
“So, in the GeMS clinic we see a variety of children all the way down to ages two and three and usually up to the ages of nine,” McGregor stated.
“When they come into the clinic, they’ll see one of our psychologists and we’ll be talking to them about their gender. We’ll be talking to their family about how to best support that child and how to make sure that child has the space and support to explore their gender and do well throughout their development,” she added.
“The biggest piece of advice that I give parents… is to just be supportive,” McGregor said.
Video claim: Children knew ‘gender identity’ from moment of birth
In a separate video, Boston Children’s GeMS director Jeremi Carswell, MD, claims, “A child will often know that they are transgender from the moment that they have any ability to express themselves.”
“We have parents who tell us that their kids – they knew from the minute they were born practically and actions like refusing to get a haircut or standing to urinate or trying to stand to urinate, refusing to stand to urinate. Trying on sibling’s clothing, playing with, quote, the opposite gender toys, things like that,” Carswell claimed.
Boston Children’s Hospital, home to controversial Gender Multispecialty Service (GeMS) clinic
Boston Children’s is the primary pediatric teaching hospital for Harvard Medical School, the website states. It began in 2007 with Dr. Norman Spack and David Diamond, MD, as co-directors.
The website is clear in what the hospital provides. A statement at the Boston Children’s online website reads, “At Boston Children’s, we are proud to be home to the first pediatric and adolescent transgender health program in the United States, the Gender Multispecialty Service (GeMS), which has cared for more than 1,000 families to date.”
Boston Children’s website GeMS services to nine year olds accessed 05152023
“GeMS offers consultations, assessments, and care to children, teens, and young adults. This process differs on the patient’s age,” Boston Children’s also states, adding:
- For those 9 years old and younger: The GeMS-Youth (GeMS-Y) program offers consultations to gender-diverse youth and their families, a play therapy assessment, discussion of specific and general gender issues in young children, and assistance accessing resources in the community.
- For those 10 to 25 years old: We offer comprehensive psychological and medical assessments, and individualized treatment plans. We ask that the patient be in individual therapy, which we will help to facilitate if they don’t have a therapist.
Interestingly, Planned Parenthood is currently partnering with Boston Children’s Hospital on a Behavior And Motivation (BEAM) Health Study with the purported aim of “help[ing] young people make healthy decisions.” The study, recruiting participants aged 17 to 20 who have visited a Planned Parenthood facility recently, also aimed to test “different approaches” such as “video, interactive facilitator-led video conference session, [and] interaction with app-based prompts” for young people they intend to reach.
![Image: Planned Parenthood and Boston Children's BEAM Study](https://www.liveaction.org/news/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Planned-Parenthood-and-Boston-Childrens-BEAM-Study.jpg)
Planned Parenthood and Boston Children’s BEAM Study
Planned Parenthood parrots GeMS founder Dr. Norman Spack
Gender Management Services (GeMS) was started in 2007 by Dr. Norman Spack and is the first pedi/adolescent clinic in the USA, according to a presentation online.
In a Ted Talk, Spack explains what he sees as the difference between the definitions of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” Citing one of his patients, Spack states, “Sexual orientation is who you go to bed with. Gender identity is who you go to bed as.”
This definition was used almost verbatim in a Planned Parenthood video aimed at children, which takes place at “Roo High School,” a fictitious location where James Butler (whose “pronouns” are “he/him”) explains that “Identity is who you go to bed as. And orientation is who you go to bed with.”
Planned Parenthood ends the lives of hundreds of thousands of preborn human beings every year, yet its representatives seem to believe that once out of the womb, babies might instantly know their own gender identity. These things just don’t add up… to anything, that is, except dollar signs for the corporation.