David Daleiden, Sandra Merritt, and the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) team released a series of undercover videos beginning in the summer of 2015 revealing their investigation into Planned Parenthood’s alleged trafficking of aborted babies’ bodies.
The undercover videos demonstrated that Planned Parenthood affiliates were willing to make a financial windfall from selling aborted babies’ bodies to procurement agencies hired by researchers. They also showed how abortionists were willing to illegally alter abortion procedures in order to more readily harvest the babies’ organs for the procurement agencies. As the Catholic News Agency noted in 2015 at the start of the release of CMP’s investigations:
Altering the abortion procedure for the express purpose of extracting tissue is against federal law. The National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act of 1993 allows tissue to be gathered if “no alteration of the timing, method, or procedures used to terminate the pregnancy was made solely for the purposes of obtaining the tissue.”
But one of the most striking things about CMP’s exposé of Planned Parenthood was the inhumane and callous attitude of the featured abortionists and abortion facility staff toward preborn babies – babies who are often fully- or nearly fully-formed, and clearly members of the human species.
Shockingly, some of the abortionists interviewed by Daleiden and his team admitted that preborn life is incredible, even while they plotted the best way to kill those same preborn children and dissect the infants’ bodies for organ procurement afterward.
Planned Parenthood commits partial-birth abortions?
In 2015, CMP recorded Tram Nguyen, who was then acting as the Vice President of Abortion Access with Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, overseeing all abortion practice at Planned Parenthood Houston’s mega-clinic. CMP also recorded abortionist Ann Schutt-Ainé, who was (and apparently, still is) the Chief Medical Officer at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast. Tram and Schutt-Ainé explained how they altered their abortion processes and mutilated preborn children’s bodies, narrowly skirting the federal partial-birth abortion ban while aiming to sell these preborn children’s bodies for profit – which is also prohibited by federal law. Nguyen noted that if other people knew what she was up to, they would call her “F***ing evil.”
Nguyen described the bodies of aborted conjoined twins, calling them “really cool.” The twins were killed at 17 weeks in the second trimester, placed in a container of formalin, and put in the freezer before a funeral home picked them up, Nguyen said.
We had 17-week twins in the freezer, because we were waiting for a funeral home to pick them up, and I was like, ‘I’m sorry you can’t see them.’ They were like the most intact, because it was a fetal anomaly, the conjoined twins… But I was like, ‘But it’s really cool though. There’s like three legs, and like two spinal cords.
Interestingly, Nguyen mentioned that the twins’ bodies were “the most intact” but does not explain how they were aborted. Were these twins killed using an induction abortion or perhaps another method, like the federally illegal D&X (partial-birth) abortion?
It is telling that the Planned Parenthood staff asked a funeral home to pick up the babies’ bodies. If these “fetuses” weren’t really human beings, why would a funeral home dispose of them? It appears that Nguyen implicitly acknowledged the humanity of the preborn children in this videotaped conversation.
Amazing prenatal development
In October of 2014, during a conversation with Amna Dermish, who was committing second-trimester abortions for Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas at the time, CMP got Dermish to admit that she manipulated the abortion procedures with her professed “aim… to get the specimens out pretty intact.”
CMP also drew some surprising comments from her and an abortionist from the abortion chain, Whole Woman’s Health. Dermish described how one of the staff members at her facility was interested in organ development and frequently rummaged in the trays with aborted baby parts, looking for the kidneys and hearts of aborted nine-week-old preborn babies.
When Daleiden asked if the staffer did it “for fun,” the Whole Woman’s Health worker accompanying Dermish said, “Well, it’s cute. It’s cute,” apparently describing the appearance of the tiny, but formed, deceased baby’s organs.”
Dermish then made a surprising claim about how she saw the preborn babies she killed. “It’s amazing, it’s just sort of… I have so much respect for development. It’s just so incredible” (emphasis added):
It is incredible that this abortionist would claim to respect human development in the womb. Of course, she did not call the development “human development,” which seems to be a deliberate linguistic choice on her part. One could have asked Dermish, “What kind of development are you referring to?” and “What is it that you have respect for?”
Based on Dermish’s comments recorded in this video, at the time of the interview she was killing 250 babies each month at a Planned Parenthood facility in Austin.
Are Planned Parenthood abortionists and staff aware that they are killing human beings who are at specific stages of human development? The above quotes suggest they at least understand that they are destroying something amazing, incredible, and worthy of respect: human life.