
Planned Parenthood action fund to spend $3.2 million to “influence” female voters in Ohio and Virginia

Who’s really “Wrong for Women”?

Gallup is reporting that when it comes to male voters, Romney leads Obama by eight percentage points. But when it comes to female voters, Obama leads Romney by eight points.

The Planned Parenthood Action Fund is working to help Obama in two battleground states by spending $3.2 million on TV ads in Virginia and Ohio. These ads “will likely emphasize Romney’s support for overturning Roe v. Wade, the court decision establishing a right to an abortion, and his pledge to eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood.”

These new ads show that Planned Parenthood Action Fund views the Romney/Ryan ticket as a threat to abortion on demand and the Planned Parenthood agenda.

The director of national organizing and electoral campaigns at Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Deirdre Schifeling, explains:

We have purchased ad time in northern Virginia, in Columbus, Ohio, and Toledo, Ohio, because they have high concentrations of undecided voters or swing voters.

We’re going to layer that with mail, phone, door-to-door canvassing and a significant online buy.

We are very focused also on swing women likely voters.

The Obama campaign also announced a “Romney/Ryan: Wrong For Women” tour, which started Saturday in Las Vegas.

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