Abortion Pill

Self-serving? Planned Parenthood affiliate warns women about ordering abortion pills online

Connecticut, abortion hotline, abortion pill online

In recent years, the abortion industry has been pushing hard for women to receive the abortion pill regimen through the mail and undergo chemical abortions at home without medical supervision. Yet now, one Planned Parenthood affiliate is warning women that DIY chemical abortions may be dangerous… and it might just be for self-serving reasons.

Earlier this month, a Pennsylvania teenager made national headlines when police investigated a chemical abortion. She had been turned away from local abortion facilities, presumably because she was too far along, and her mother ordered abortion pills online for her. The teenaged girl gave birth to her daughter at home, frantically texting a friend messages like, “It just now came out,” “it’s like a full baby,” and “it’s still moving.”

In response, a Pennsylvania Planned Parenthood affiliate has decided to warn women to avoid ordering abortion pills online.

“At Planned Parenthood Keystone, we go up to 15 weeks and six days. Other abortion providers are able to go further than that. Medication abortion is accessible up through 11 weeks. If it’s beyond that, then those are procedures that happen in a medical center,” said Casi Scully, associate medical director for Planned Parenthood Keystone.

She then urged patients to avoid ordering abortion pills online because women don’t know where they are coming from:

If you’re accessing medication and you’re not sure where it’s coming from, it’s maybe not regulated. You don’t know exactly what it is. That can definitely be a problem. Potential complications can be bleeding, infection, those kinds of things. Again, they’re very rare, but it is a potential concern.


The pro-life movement has been warning against the dangers of at-home abortion pills, as abortion profiteers continue to pop up. Plan C, Aid Access, and Hey Jane are all presented by the abortion industry as much-needed organizations (in fact, Planned Parenthood of Illinois is even partnering with Hey Jane) which help women in “need” of abortions. And claims that these at-home, no-test abortions are safe are based on bad science.

But what is Planned Parenthood really arguing here? Is it actually concerned about women’s safety? This is unlikely, as Planned Parenthood commits and promotes telehealth abortions by pill; the number one type of abortion sold by Planned Parenthood is done by abortion pill, and an estimated tens of thousands of women taking the abortion pill each year find themselves needing help from ERs and urgent care facilities.

It seems more likely that Planned Parenthood is trying to scare women into shunning other abortion businesses and exclusively turning to Planned Parenthood. It is, after all, seen as the “Walmart of the abortion industry,” happy to put smaller facilities out of business while continuing to pad its own bottom line.

Every single risk mentioned by Scully is present in every chemical abortion, not just when pills are ordered from shadowy vendors on the internet — even when those abortion pills are obtained from Planned Parenthood.

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