Operation Rescue has obtained 911 phone records revealing a call from a Planned Parenthood in Austin, Texas, in which a patient needed emergency assistance because she was “bleeding excessively.” While excessive bleeding can be a very serious complication after an abortion, what’s troubling is that the Planned Parenthood caller downplayed the urgency of the matter, requesting that the responding ambulance turn off its sirens.
The incident took place at the Planned Parenthood on Austin’s Ben Boulevard on January 25, 2019. The caller states that they “did a balloon” on the patient, but it didn’t seem to help. The balloon refers to an intrauterine tamponade balloon, which is sometimes used to stop bleeding after a woman gives birth. As the balloon inflates, it puts pressure on the blood vessels, causing them to stop bleeding. However, the balloon was designed specifically for women who have given birth. According to Operation Rescue, abortionists have adopted it for use to stop hemorrhaging due to abortion complications, but since abortion is much different from childbirth it doesn’t always work.
Hemorrhaging can be a very serious complication following a botched abortion. The fact that the Planned Parenthood staff could not control the bleeding and needed to call an ambulance underscores the severity of the situation. Despite this, Planned Parenthood did not want to risk anyone realizing that there was an emergency at their facility.
“The request for no sirens meant that Planned Parenthood didn’t care if the ambulance was delayed by traffic as long as no one inside or outside the facility was alerted that a medical emergency was in progress,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “It’s frankly appalling that the concern for the clinic’s reputation would be placed ahead of a woman bleeding so badly that extraordinary measures could not control it.”
READ: NYC Planned Parenthood calls two ambulances in five days, totaling 32 emergencies in three years
Unfortunately, the request from this Planned Parenthood facility is far from unusual. Abortion facilities across the country often put women’s lives in danger when they request emergency assistance without lights or sirens. While these facilities operate under the guise of “women’s health care,” they routinely put women’s health at risk when they request delayed emergency transfers in order to avoid drawing attention to themselves.
“I wish I could say that this is a rare occurrence, but it is actually very common,” added Newman. “Abortion is not safe, and abortion facilities, like this Planned Parenthood, are dangerous places for women and their babies.”
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