
Planned Parenthood calls for “plentiful” abortions

We’ve all heard Planned Parenthood’s claim that abortions make up only 3% of their income. We’ve heard Hillary Clinton and other pro-choice politicians draw attention to Planned Parenthood’s non-abortion services. And of course, we’ve all seen countless posts on social media and comments on political forums arguing that Planned Parenthood really wants to make abortion “rare.”

Planned Parenthood is usually fairly adept at playing the political game, selling catchphrases and using pretty words. But every once in a while, they let their true colors show, as they did in this recent tweet…

A magical land where abortions are plentiful? What happened to “making abortions rare”? Planned Parenthood clearly wants to increase the number of abortions. Not only is that their goal, they think it would be “magical.”

Planned Parenthood saw significant backlash on Twitter, following the ill-advised but telling tweet…

The backlash continued off Twitter.

“With a single tweet, Planned Parenthood accidentally told us the truth. They effectively admitted that the abortion lobby’s mantra of ‘safe, legal and rare’ abortion is a lie and that the organization’s real mission is to encourage more elective abortions funded off the backs of taxpayers,” Rep. Diane Black, R-Tenn told The Blaze.

“The contrast between the pro-abortion and pro-life point of view has never been more clear,” Black went on to say. “While Planned Parenthood invites its supporters to imagine a future of ‘free and plentiful’ abortion — because apparently the loss of more than 327,000 unborn babies a year just isn’t enough — we in the pro-life movement invite Americans to believe in a country where every life is cherished and where every child is given a chance to see the light of day.”



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