Pro-life group American Life League’s watchdog group, STOPP International, has done a recent review of taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood affiliates’ top executive salaries and compensation, and has learned that while “some executives took pay cuts… most saw increases to their already inflated salaries,” according to the group.
All 56 Planned Parenthood affiliates were reviewed. Each “is separately incorporated, has its own board of directors, its own CEO, and files a separate Federal Form 990, which summarizes its financial data,” writes STOPP. It would be expected to see that the largest affiliates showed the largest salaries, but this isn’t the case, says the group. “The highest paid of affiliate CEOs, Darrah Johnson of Planned Parenthood of Pacific Southwest ($523,677), actually works for the third largest affiliate.” As for the largest affiliate, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte’s CEO Linda Williams earns $403,814 yearly.
“According to latest reports, anyone earning over $421,926 a year is in the top 1% of the population,” writes STOPP. “By that criterion, six of the Planned Parenthood CEOs are in the top one percent income bracket. If we add PPFA headquarters staff, then eight of the non-profit’s management qualify for top one percent status.” In addition, “the 13 highest paid corporate staff and 41 of the 56 CEOs are in the top 10 percent” of wage earners.
READ: As Planned Parenthood works to recruit ‘supporters,’ its healthcare plummets
The group reports that average Planned Parenthood affiliate CEO pay “rose from $237,999 in 2015 to $255,523 in 2017 (a 7.4 percent increase)” and that total compensation to the affiliate CEOs “increased from $13.3 million in 2015 to $14.3 million in 2017. Average compensation for those at the national Planned Parenthood Federation of America headquarters increased by about $5,379 per year, going up “from $389,524 in 2015 to $394,893 in 2017.”
Interestingly, the former PPFA CEO, Cecile Richards, actually lost more than $200,000 in compensation from 2015 to 2017, dropping from $957,952 to $744,833 in 2017. However, STOPP notes, “If we take Richards’ compensation out of the calculation, the remaining top executives’ average compensation went from $337,838 in 2015 to $365,731 in 2017 (a 7.5 percent increase).”
All of these increases in compensation are happening as abortions are up at Planned Parenthood, and other services are down:
Read American Life League’s entire report here.