Cecile Richards, along with Planned Parenthood, endorsed Hillary Clinton in the primaries, prior to the general election season — a first for the abortion organization. Their reason for endorsing her was obvious: Hillary Clinton has vowed to protect abortion. The Democratic Party likewise has the support of Planned Parenthood, which is not surprising, considering they have recently enacted the most pro-abortion party platform ever, which includes forcing taxpayers to pay for abortion. So it’s not shocking that Cecile Richards is stumping hard this election season — she stands to make a lot of extra money, after all.
But her latest tweet about the election is just cringeworthy.
Yesterday was National Voter Registration Day, and Richards celebrated by urging people to vote… like your life depends on it. No, really:
It's #NationalVoterRegistrationDay – so get registered, and vote like your life depends on it! https://t.co/Cj7i152lHj ???
— Cecile Richards (@CecileRichards) September 27, 2016
Planned Parenthood has a tendency to release cringeworthy tweets (remember the baby carriages for their 98th birthday?), but this was beyond the pale. Because people’s lives do depend on this election… just not lives Richards cares at all about.
Planned Parenthood performs an abortion every 97 seconds, and receives half a billion taxpayer dollars annually:
And every one of these abortions takes a human life. That is a scientific fact. At just 21 days after conception, the preborn baby’s heart is beating. Brain waves can be measured just a few short weeks later. The baby has their own unique fingerprints by 10 weeks, and by the end of the first trimester, all of the baby’s major organs have been formed.
So Cecile Richards is right. Lives do depend on this election… all the lives that Planned Parenthood will take if they are handed more taxpayer dollars.