
Planned Parenthood defends Medicaid deception; Live Action responds

Responding to the undercover sting that reveals they are deceiving the public and lawmakers into believing they are vital to poor women’s health, Planned Parenthood issued an embarrassing statement that “just because there are other providers does not mean they offer the same patient-friendly hours, are accepting new Medicaid patients or offer the same services that PPIN offers.”

Live Action President Lila Rose responds:

“The basis of these rationalizations is false. In a matter of minutes, Live Action easily found numerous Medicaid providers in Indiana ready and able to accept new patients; Planned Parenthood’s own lower level staffers repeatedly confirmed other providers ‘have the same services we have.’ And most laughable is their claim that ‘patient-friendly hours’ are what set Planned Parenthood apart from the other 800 Medicaid providers in the state.

“But what’s not funny is that Planned Parenthood continues to concoct more propaganda as they work to deceive the public and try to sweep this exposé under the rug. Women don’t need this abortion-centered giant for their healthcare but Planned Parenthood needs women and taxpayer dollars to continue lining their pockets. Join us in standing with Indiana to stay the course and prevent Planned Parenthood from bolstering their abortion business and radical ideology with Medicaid dollars.”

To speak with Lila Rose, please contact: Kate Bryan, (323) 454-3304,

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