Millions of Title X dollars have been diverted to recipients other than Planned Parenthood, since the abortion corporation’s decision to voluntarily exit the federal taxpayer-funded family planning program rather than comply with new rules requiring abortion facilities to separate their abortion business from birth control dispensation both fiscally and physically. According to a press release published by the Office of Population Affairs (OPA), Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocacy or abortion-sympathetic recipients relinquished $33.6 million in Title X grants. Until now, Title X has been the second largest source of federal funding for Planned Parenthood, behind Medicaid. The announcement posted at the HHS website reveals the following grantees were voluntarily terminated:
- AK – Planned Parenthood of Great Northwest & Hawaiian Islands
- CT – Planned Parenthood of Southern New England
- ID – Planned Parenthood of Great Northwest & Hawaiian Islands
- IL – Illinois Department of Health
- IL – Planned Parenthood of Illinois
- MA – Health Imperatives Inc.
- MA – Massachusetts Department of Public Health
- MD – Maryland Department of Health
- ME – Family Planning Association of Maine Inc.
- MN – Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota
- NH – Planned Parenthood of Northern New England
- NY – Public Health Solutions
- NY – New York Department of Health
- OH – Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio
- OR – Oregon Health Authority
- UT – Planned Parenthood Association of Utah
- VT – Vermont Agency of Human Services
- WA – Washington State Department of Health
“OPA acted quickly to mitigate the potential interruption in services caused by a minority of recipients that chose to abandon the Title X program between July and September,” the HHS press release states. In place of abortion groups, HHS will be sending the tax payer dollars to departments of health in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Kansas Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Wisconsin, and West Virginia, as well as several additional health care organizations ranging more than 30 states.
Planned Parenthood made the calculated decision to prioritize abortion over health care for low income clients in August, followed by announcements from several state agencies to do the same in solidarity with the abortion organization. Live Action News has documented how, due to fungibility, Title X taxpayer dollars may have actually been indirectly funding abortion. Here’s how:
In past years, Planned Parenthood has received an estimated $60 million from Title X taxpayer dollars alone annually, and as previously reported, is still likely to receive an estimated $500 million (half a billion) from other state and federal taxpayer programs each year. The abortion giant now garners nearly forty percent of the market share of abortions nationally.
Planned Parenthood has falsely claimed the Trump administration forced them out of the Title X program. But, as Dr. Michael New recently noted, nothing could be further from the truth:
However, contrary to the statement by Planned Parenthood President Alexis McGill Johnson, Planned Parenthood was not forced out of the program. Planned Parenthood was still eligible for Title X funds and could even continue to talk to women about abortion in a non-directive manner. The Protect Life Rule simply prevented them from either referring women to an abortion facility, including their own, or suggesting where to obtain an abortion. By choosing not to abide by this rule, Planned Parenthood forfeited their eligibility for federal Title X funds.
Planned Parenthood blames Trump for loosing TitleX funds (Image: Twitter)
As Dr. New pointed out, Planned Parenthood made a deliberate decision to choose abortion over the tax dollars — and with apparent good reason. An analysis by Live Action News found that in 2017, Planned Parenthood’s estimated abortion revenue reached nearly $200 million ($190.3), totaling 52% of Planned Parenthood’s non-government health services revenue. In 2017, the corporation’s total revenue exceeded $1.6 billion and its excess revenue over expenses totaled a whopping $244.8 million, nearly 149 percent increase from the year prior. Then, earlier this year, Planned Parenthood released a focused plan for 2019, which included the expansion of abortion instead of health care.
Even media outlets, which typically cover for Planned Parenthood, reported that it was Planned Parenthood which exited the Title X program voluntarily.

ABC News Headline Planned Parenthood refuses funds TitleX

NYT Headline Planned Parenthood refuses funds TitleX

Politico Headline Planned Parenthood refuses funds TitleX
The fact is there are numerous reasons why Planned Parenthood should have its taxpayer funding completely removed, including its many scandals and abuses, detailed here. In addition, Planned Parenthood has repeatedly been caught failing to report child sexual abuse, which violates Title X requirements. See more in this docuseries and report published by Live Action:
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