Since the release of four videos from the Center for Medical Progress featuring top Planned Parenthood employees discussing their fetal parts business, the abortion giant has attempted to do extensive damage control.
They’ve been on defense, they’ve been desperate, and they’ve played the victim. In many ways, though, Planned Parenthood is still controlling the narrative.
In the political realm, this is sadly obvious. Barack Obama has been president since 2009, and has been unwavering in his support for Planned Parenthood. When Obama ran for re-election in 2012, he continuously spoke in favor of Planned Parenthood by claiming the abortion giant provided mammograms.
In light of this most recent scandal involving Planned Parenthood, the Obama administration still is repeating the mammogram lies. Statements from the White House also express support for Planned Parenthood, and Obama himself even recorded a video thanking the organization, following the initial release of the videos.
The Senate will vote Monday on a bill to defund Planned Parenthood. Even if a majority of the Senate were to vote to strip Planned Parenthood of its taxpayer dollars, it would hardly make a difference, as President Obama is sure to veto the measure, and there may not be enough votes to override such a move.
The President has shown no signs that he will waver in his support for the abortion giant – the campaign financiers that they are – so Planned Parenthood should hardly need to lift a finger to gin up support. And yet they commissioned a poll (using a slanted question), which – surprise, surprise – claims Americans still want to keep funding them.
Planned Parenthood has exercised power at the state level as well. When they were called on to appear before the Texas legislature, the group refused and sent a letter instead. Such a move was not taken lightly by lawmakers, and the letter was not accepted as an excuse.
The power Planned Parenthood wields also extends to the mainstream media. The group hired a crisis management firm to deal with the scandal, and then told the media not to report anything on the third video released by the Center for Medical Progress.
One of their rich excuses? “[P]atients’ privacy should not be further violated.”