
Planned Parenthood doesn’t like how the Supreme Court looks. Let’s keep it that way.

Last week, the Center for Medical Progress released a video featuring Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola. Shot in secret, it records a meeting between Dr. Nucatola and people she thought were representatives of a human-biologics firm.

A few things stand out when you watch the footage. One is how different Planned Parenthood officials sound when they’re in private. You almost never hear anyone from Planned Parenthood speak publically about what actually happens during an abortion. Instead, we get awkward euphemisms about “providing choice” and “removing the products of conception.”

I’ve always thought this was a little ridiculous, and apparently so does Nucatola, because she drops the charade and gets honest about what she does.

This is her describing how she can abort a baby but still save the organs:

“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”

You also get a sense that Planned Parenthood believes it’s above the rules. Altering the way that an abortion is performed in order to collect organs is illegal, yet that’s exactly what Nucatola is talking about.

Further, federal law prohibits making money off the transfer of fetal tissue, but it doesn’t seem to bother Planned Parenthood or its affiliates. As Nucatola explains:

“I think for affiliates, at the end of the day, they’re a non-profit, they just don’t want to—they want to break even. And if they can do a little better than break even, and do so in a way that seems reasonable, they’re happy to do that.”

Doing “a little better than break even” is what most people would call “turning a profit.”

And according to Nucatola, Planned Parenthood doctors use a technique that sounds awfully similar to partial-birth abortion to facilitate the harvest of organs. Although partial-birth abortions have been outlawed since 2003, Nucatola isn’t too concerned. “The Federal (Partial-Birth) Abortion Ban is a law,” she says, “and laws are up to interpretation.”


This sort of law-breaking isn’t surprising. After all, Planned Parenthood staff have frequently ignored their legal duty to report evidence of sexual abuse. However, there is some good news here.

At seven minutes and fifty five seconds into the video above, Nucatola declares, “Right now, the way the Supreme Court looks, I don’t think it looks very good.” She goes on to say, “anything going to the Supreme Court right now, we’re all losers.”

Pro-lifers can help make sure it stays that way.

We can demand that the next president appoint judges who aren’t beholden to the abortion lobby’s agenda. We can also signal to legislators that we want to see those judges confirmed. And while we’re at it, we should sign Live Action’s petition asking Congress to defund Planned Parenthood and end its half billion dollar subsidy.

Right now Planned Parenthood is nervous, and that’s a good thing. Because the reality is, when the abortion industry loses, innocent lives win.

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