
Planned Parenthood gives $700k to group behind Florida’s pro-abortion amendment

Planned Parenthood Florida

A finance report from a campaign to make abortion a constitutional “right” in Florida divulged that it received nearly $1 million in just one week in August — including $700,000 from Planned Parenthood of South, East, and North Florida.

Floridians Protecting Freedom is the group behind the “Yes on 4” campaign, which is urging people to vote in favor of pro-abortion Amendment 4. The organization said it has raised $30 million for its constitutional amendment initiative. Though campaign directors boast that the organization — and its fundraising — is “grassroots,” abortion industry leaders like Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are some of the primary organizations behind the effort to enshrine abortion in the state’s constitution. Records show that Planned Parenthood and its affiliates have funneled millions into donations for the Floridians Protecting Freedom campaign.

Currently, state law protects nearly all preborn children from abortion after six weeks of pregnancy. Pro-life advocates warn that should the constitutional amendment pass when it goes to a vote in November, it would undo those protections and could make abortion legal until birth.

READ: Top Myths DEBUNKED: Late or ‘late-term’ abortions

In 2023, before the current abortion restrictions took effect, the state’s Agency for Health Care Administration reported a shocking 84,052 lives lost to abortion in Florida — a number that would almost certainly be higher if pro-life protections were eliminated.

As Planned Parenthood’s sizable donation indicates, the abortion industry has a vested interest in expanding abortion laws. Though Planned Parenthood often posits itself as a leader in “healthcare,” it holds 40% of the national market share of reported abortions. According to its 2022-23 annual report, it serviced fewer clients with decreasing legitimate health services during that time period, while committing over 62 abortions for every one prenatal care service provided.

Since 2000, Planned Parenthood has committed over 7.1 million abortions, making it the largest abortion corporation in the United States.

Urge Walmart, Costco, Kroger, and other major chains to resist pressure to dispense the abortion pill.


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