Pro-abortion organizations in El Salvador are working overtime to free women convicted of brutally killing their newborn babies, despite photographic evidence and witness testimony against them. Helping to fund the efforts to free these women, Planned Parenthood stands to benefit financially should public pressure lead to a liberalizing of the country’s abortion laws.
WARNING: Disturbing evidentiary photos below.
Abortion is illegal in El Salvador, but pro-abortion organizations such as Colectiva Feminista want to see abortion decriminalized and taken to lying about horrific cases of infanticide to justify a false “need” for abortion in the pro-life nation. Even American celebrities and politicians have played a part in the manipulation, aided by pro-abortion media. Pro-abortion attorneys argue that if abortion were legal, these women would not be in jail for the deaths of their children.
Colectiva Feminista claims that women have been wrongfully convicted of undergoing illegal abortions after suffering from miscarriages and stillbirths, but these women, known as Las17+, have been convicted of strangling and stabbing their living newborns, with some babies found to have been dumped in septic tanks. One was still alive when he was discovered.
The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) has thrown financial support behind the efforts to free these women because it sees an opportunity to make money if abortion is legalized in El Salvador.
In just three years (2014, 2015, 2016), IPPF gave over $115,000 to Colectiva Feminista—also known as Colectiva De Mujeres Para El Desarrollo (The Feminist Collective for Local Development), which is actively working to free Las17+ and use their cases to push for legalized abortion, despite their babies being killed after birth—and the IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund granted the pro-abortion group $150,000 in 2015. That grant was reportedly specifically for a project aimed at legalizing abortion in El Salvador led by Colectiva Feminista and pro-abortion group Agrupaciton Ciudadana (Citizen Association for the Decriminalization of Abortion El Salvador).

2016 IPPF Financial Statement. Numbers in thousands.
After an article in La Presna Gráfica exposed this, the people of El Salvador were outraged. Only two percent of El Salvadorans believe abortion to be morally acceptable. The country is so pro-life that even major media outlets condemned Colectiva Feminista and Agrupaciton Ciudadana and their efforts to legalize abortion. As a result, the groups released a co-statement about their project, claiming it was about reducing the incidents of wrongful convictions of abortion in cases of miscarriage:
The project has an objective: ‘to contribute to the reduction… of the criminalization… related to the lack of legal access to abortion, through legislative changes and the adoption of protocols in cases of abortion or obstetric complications that cause the death of the fetus.’
Again, miscarriages and obstetric complications are not the reasons that these women are imprisoned.
Legalizing abortion would not have saved these babies from the brutal deaths they endured. These women killed their babies after birth—similar to what convicted-murderer and abortionist Kermit Gosnell did to countless babies who survived abortions in his facility in Philadelphia. He snipped babies’ spinal cords with scissors. Las 17+ stabbed their newborns and strangled them with apron strings.
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There are additional connections between Planned Parenthood and the push for legalized abortion in El Salvador. The Wallace Global Fund is connected to Planned Parenthood and gave $15,000 to the Citizen Association for the Decriminalization of Abortion El Salvador in 2013. The Ford Foundation, which added former Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards to its board, has also donated money to the push for abortion in El Salvador. The Ford Foundation is one of the top funders of the abortion pill worldwide.
The money IPPF gave to the groups helping to defend Las17+ is a drop in the bucket compared to what IPPF stands to financially gain. Asociación Demográfica Salvadoreña is “the largest sexual and reproductive health care provider in El Salvador” and is a private affiliate of IPPF. It focuses on working to ensure the “poor, marginalized, vulnerable and under-served” women of El Salvador do not reproduce, just as Planned Parenthood works to do in the United States and throughout the world. If abortion is legalized in El Salvador, IPPF would then be able to sell abortion through this private affiliate and any other affiliate businesses in the nation.
Planned Parenthood is helping those convicted of killing living newborns, demanding them to be set free in the name of legalized abortion in a country that does not want legalized abortion. Why? So it can continue its eugenic legacy while raking in profits.
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