The New York Times recently published a bombshell article, declaring that Planned Parenthood is in a “crisis,” and exposing how the corporation botches patient care and mistreats employees, while prioritizing the funding of national legal and political campaigns over individual facilities. The article features testimony from former Planned Parenthood employees about the substandard conditions of the corporation’s facilities, poor patient care, and lack of staff, staff training, and proper pay.
It appears that Planned Parenthood employees have been voicing similar concerns for some time. Live Action News has documented dozens of online reviews, allegedly posted by current and former Planned Parenthood employees, claiming negative experiences within the corporation. Though subjective, these reviews offer a perspective from the vantage point of those who are directly involved on a daily basis with the corporation.
A number of reviews mention that Planned Parenthood facilities regularly made staff see as many patients as possible, with just 1o-minute appointments — something the New York Times (NYT) also mentioned.
The following reviews were taken from the websites of Indeed and Glassdoor, and were viewed and documented in February and March of 2025. All of the reviews referenced in this article were posted to the job review websites in mid to late 2024 and the beginning of 2025.

“This job overworks you and blames waiting time on medical assistant when they only have 10 mins slots appt. They don’t care bout their employees! It’s not the best place to work,” alleges one Indeed review, authored by a self-identified former medical assistant at a Planned Parenthood in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“Don’t be fooled,” reads the title of another review, posted to Indeed by an alleged former health center manager in Gainesville, Florida. “You think you’re getting into this amazing, progressive, non-profit, all about women’s rights movement but you are not. You are entering a for profit, see as many patients as possible and turn patients away if they can’t pay… Nurse Practitioners are required to minimize their time with patients so they can see six patients an hour… If you think your donations are going to direct patient care, it is not. It’s to pay Management’s six-figure salaries. What a disappointment.”

One Glassdoor review, apparently from a former Planned Parenthood counselor in New York, expresses that the counselor wished to actually counsel women through their decisions, but Planned Parenthood inhibited the counselor in performing the job by speeding up counseling sessions, making the counselor think that the sessions were really just about “pushing papers around quickly.”
Under “Cons,” the author of the review wrote: “Realizing that pushing papers around quickly was more important to leaders than actually helping people make informed decisions. I was often asked to speed up my counseling sessions when trying to assess the why of the woman’s choice and not everyone appreciated me being thorough on making sure the women were clear on the why of their choice without any reservations, which is truly the best path to not have emotional consequences around a very personal decision.”

According to a Glassdoor review of a Planned Parenthood in White Plains, NewYork, the facility is “misleading regarding work hours and number of patients actually seen.” The review claims there were “6 [patients] per an hour [equaling a] 10 min[ute] visit for every… one.”

Another Glassdoor review, from an alleged former New York Planned Parenthood worker, says, “Constantly harping on staff about not having a high enough patient volume yet not hiring enough staff to handle the patient volume that is expected. Appointments are in 10 minute slots which is not enough time to comprehensively tend to a patients needs.”
This review also mentions high turnover, burnout, and under-staffing – all of which are problems at Planned Parenthood facilities nationwide, according to the NYT.

“Staff feels overwhelmed with the number of patients we see. SLT/managers only care about numbers,” wrote a self-identified reproductive health specialist, working at a Planned Parenthood in Waukegan, Illinois.
If Planned Parenthood staff are overwhelmed with patient numbers, and managers “only care about numbers,” how might the patients be treated?
The New York Times painted a picture of Planned Parenthood’s factory-like operations, quoting a former Planned Parenthood nurse in Minnesota named Grace Larson, who said “clinics were operating like a ‘conveyor belt’ for patients.”
If the reviews above were, in fact, posted by current or former employees of Planned Parenthood and are honest, what are the implications of Planned Parenthood’s lack of care for women and babies? If Planned Parenthood is focused on profit, despite its non-profit legal status, does it become rich at the expense of the death of babies and the maiming of women?
As Live Action and Live Action News have documented for years, with research, articles, and investigative footage, the answer is yes.