Benjamin Barber is a regular donor to Democratic candidates. This month, he was heard expressing his thoughts on black conservatives.
They weren’t good.
In an undercover video released by Project Veritas, Barber says African-American Republicans are “f—ked in the head.” He also calls the GOP “murderers” while comparing its black supporters to “sonderkommando” — Jews who helped the Nazis. It’s not clear from the footage how Barber thinks conservatives are killing African-Americans. There are threats to black lives, however. One of the biggest? Abortion.
Black children make up a disproportionate share of those aborted. Former KKK leader Tom Metzger is aware of that: he describes abortion as “non-white population control,” telling followers to “invest in ghetto abortion clinics” and “raise money for free abortions.” Richard Nixon also appreciated it. The disgraced president favored aborting mixed race children and thought abortion could “control the negro bastards.”
It may not be a coincidence then that federal funding for Planned Parenthood started under his administration. Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion chain and every year it receives over half a billion U.S. tax dollars. (That doesn’t stop it from seeking money elsewhere: in 2008, Live Action caught staff agreeing to take donations from people who said they wanted black kids aborted. Planned Parenthood has also been busy collecting donations in Vice President-elect Mike Pence’s name since Election Day.)
What does Planned Parenthood’s government funding buy? In 2013, two nurses at Planned Parenthood of Delaware described their former workplace as a “meat market” where clients were exposed to bloody tables and unsterilized equipment. Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich and Joyce Vasikonis revealed those details at a state legislative hearing that also featured former clinic director Melody Meanor. Meanor warned of how drugs were mishandled and patients weren’t informed of positive STD tests. Planned Parenthood also employed Dr. Timothy F. Liveright there, an abortionist with a history of complaints.
That money also buys peace of mind…for child rapists. Across the country, sexual abusers have taken their victims to Planned Parenthood for cover-up abortions — sometimes more than once. Edgar Ramirez had Planned Parenthood perform two abortions on his 13 year-old daughter within a six month time frame. Despite her age, staff didn’t contact authorities.
Human traffickers can get a hand, too. A survey of trafficking victims published two years ago in Annals of Health showed over half had at least one abortion while being trafficked; some had over a dozen. When Live Action investigators visited a Planned Parenthood center in New Jersey while posing as pimps, the director offered to arrange abortions on child prostitutes who “can’t speak English” and “won’t know what’s going on.”
As you can see, Planned Parenthood goes after plenty of victims. The victimization doesn’t just happen at its facilities, as the organization also opposes laws to end coercion and abortions based on race or sex. The good news? There’s something you can go after: Its funding.
Tell Congress that money should be redirected to federally qualified health centers and community health centers instead. Their locations are more accessible and they offer services Planned Parenthood doesn’t.
In North Carolina, Democratic Senate candidate Deborah Ross gave away a contribution she received from Benjamin Barber. Obviously, the folks at Planned Parenthood won’t just give their funding away.
Let’s do it for them.