Planned Parenthood is fighting for its life. Or more accurately, they are fighting desperately to continue receiving millions in tax dollars, using every method in their lobbying arsenal.
In response to the mounting evidence that PP knowingly participates in illegal activity, PP leadership has continuously denied any wrongdoing – although their statements make some startling admissions. They have attempted to turn suspicion and blame away from themselves and onto the Center for Medical Progress as well as on pro-life politicians. Now we see the abortion provider going all-out on a counter-offensive, frantically using every strategy they can think of in an attempt to save face, especially before Congress begins discussing a new budget. Planned Parenthood has a lot to lose when it comes to the new budget: your money and mine.
Since the release of the undercover videos created by the Center for Medical Progress, PP has actively been organizing rallies, commissioning polls, shelling out huge amounts of money for television ads in New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin (where local officials are pushing to put an end to the group’s funding), and hiring its own chosen “experts” to try to discredit the videos. Basically, Planned Parenthood is trying to buy back public support and maintain its government funding. While a large part of the general public still views PP in a favorable way, a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll indicates that a huge percentage of people who have seen the videos have changed their minds about PP, viewing them in a decidedly more negative light as they discover what PP is really about.
Planned Parenthood continuously attempts to cover up and counter this trend. In several official statements, PP leadership completely avoids addressing the real concerns brought to light by the evidence, instead calling attention to services they know will manipulate many voters into continued, if blind, support for PP: cancer screenings, women’s health exams, etc.
Planned Parenthood is earnestly hoping its political maneuvering will make this whole scandal go away. With several states and several congressional committees investigating Planned Parenthood, and many state and federal officials calling for an end to forced taxpayer funding of PP, the truth will continue to come out.
Even if Planned Parenthood succeeds in maintaining funding for now, they have shown the American public who they really are, and what they really do behind closed doors. Damage like that can’t be reversed, even with expensive political maneuvering.