
Why is Planned Parenthood hiding the truth about abortion?

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Abortion advocates are celebrating after a Texas law was struck down — a law banning dilation and evacuation, or D&E, abortions. This abortion procedure takes place in the second trimester, on babies who can almost definitively feel pain, and it is particularly violent and cruel. Nevertheless, the abortion industry celebrated the ruling, including Planned Parenthood, a co-plaintiff in the case:

Whole Woman’s Health, a pro-abortion rights organization and lead plaintiff in the case, also celebrated. “The pattern of incessant and dangerous attacks on women’s healthcare has not stopped,” CEO Amy Miller said in a statement. “That is why we are here, and why we are thrilled to prevail.”

The law in question would have made it mandatory for the preborn baby to be killed before the abortionist ripped him or her apart, limb from limb.

One of the biggest issues surrounding this case, however, has been the way that Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry use deceptive words to describe abortion. Miller described it as “healthcare,” which abortion most definitely is not. When it comes to actual abortion procedures, the abortion industry is not honest about what they entail, often sugar-coating the procedures to keep women in the dark about what really happens.

But why?

Planned Parenthood’s website describes different abortion procedures. First, they describe a suction, or aspiration, abortion — the most common abortion procedure. While it’s technically accurate, the language is considerably softened from the reality of the procedure. Here’s how Planned Parenthood describes it:

Planned Parenthood falsely describes suction aspiration abortion

Former abortionist Anthony Levatino describes what the process is like in this video:

The baby is certainly not “gently” removed from his mother’s uterus. It’s brutal and violent — the force of the suction is approximately 10-20 times more powerful than that of a household vacuum cleaner. And there is growing scientific evidence that preborn babies can feel pain in the first trimester, possibly as early as five weeks. Meanwhile, 1 in 10 women have complications, which can include hemorrhaging, infection, embolism, perforated uterus, cervical injuries, and more. The forced dilation of the cervix can also lead to cervical incompetence, leading to a risk of infertility or the inability to carry a baby to term. The scraping of the uterus can cause scar tissue, which can also make it harder for a woman to get pregnant in the future, and increases the risks of ectopic pregnancy.

One woman who had a suction abortion tells how her abortion was not gentle, nor were the abortion facility staffers there to “support” her:

They gave me no pain killers, and I was awake for the whole thing. To help me, a nurse held my hand.

From the very second the pain began, I held back my screams. He told me that I couldn’t move or else I would never be able to have children again. Some screams exited my mouth from the amount of pain. The nurse put her hand over my mouth and told me to be quiet because I would scare the other patients. I squeezed the nurse’s hand so tight that it started turning purple. My body had a rush of heat go through me, and then I was freezing. As he was cutting through my cervix and scrapping my uterine walls, the sounds that I heard will never leave my memory. This took about fifteen minutes.

… They had me stand up, and I almost blacked out, catching myself on the stirrups. I looked down, there was my baby. The remains of my child were lying in a bucket right there for the entire world to see what I had done. It was like time stood still. That image was burned into my mind. I saw that the “clump of cells,” my baby, was my son.

They took me to the “recovery” room where there they gave me orange juice and stale cookies. Other women were in there as well lying down, some crying, and others just curled up in pain. After thirty minutes or so, they had me go change myself because of the blood. As I went to do so, blood just started gushing out of me. I tried to catch it with my hands, but the blood filled them up in seconds flat. It was pouring over my hands and down my legs, soaking my socks and onto the floor. I was frozen and in shock. A nurse knocked on the wall and asked if I need assistance. I said very faintly, “Oh my God, help me, please, help me, God, please help me.”

She came in to help me (there was only a privacy curtain), and she knocked the curtain off the wall. She let all the women there see me with my blood and my child’s blood overflowing my hands. She helped clean me up, and I passed out from the loss of blood. They tried to stop the hemorrhaging, but it wouldn’t let up. The nurse wrapped me in a blanket and told my mother to take me to a hospital. My mother started panicking, asking why an ambulance couldn’t be called. The nurse replied, “For business purposes.” We started leaving, and we were told we were not allowed to leave through the front doors because of how I looked. We were shown the back door and left for the hospital immediately.

But does Planned Parenthood warn women about any of this? Do they tell women about the reality of the procedure, the potential complications, the pain, how difficult the recovery can be afterwards? No, they describe the abortion as “gentle,” ignore any possible complications, and describe the recovery room as somewhere that you can just “hang out” afterwards.

Next, Planned Parenthood describes a D&E abortion. Again, they describe it as “gentle.”

Planned Parenthood falsely describes D&E abortion

The reality is, again, quite different. Dr. Levatino describes the actual procedure here:

The preborn baby isn’t “gently” taken out of her mother’s uterus. The abortionist literally rips her apart, limb by limb, before moving on to the other body parts. After the preborn body’s baby is completely removed from the uterus, the abortionist uses a curette to scrape the uterus to remove the placenta and ensure that the baby has been completely removed from the uterus.

Once again, Planned Parenthood ignores the potential complications. Hemorrhage, uterine and cervical perforation and laceration, and scar tissue are all possible. The risks for future pregnancies are even higher than with a suction abortion, because the trauma to the cervix and the uterus are much greater.

READ: Planned Parenthood abortionists describe in gruesome detail how they abort preborn children

And while Planned Parenthood may not be open about a D&E abortion to the women they claim to serve, that doesn’t mean that abortionists never speak the truth. In an interview, one anonymous abortionist described the procedure frankly, saying, “Second trimester abortions…[are] much more difficult and riskier for the mom, hence the limited number of us who actually do them. They are also unpleasant, because the procedure (dilation and evacuation, D&E) involves pulling out the baby in pieces.” Another abortionist admitted, “I have angry feelings at myself for feeling good about grasping the calvaria [head], for feeling good about doing a technically good procedure that destroys a fetus, kills a baby.”

Why is it that Planned Parenthood, and the abortion industry at large, must be deceptive about abortion? If, in fact, abortion is a source of social good, if it is healthcare, then why the need to cover it up and lie about it? We can only speculate, but the reason seems to be clear: if women knew what really happened during an abortion, if they knew what they were risking, then they would be far less likely to support it. So the abortion industry lies and obfuscates the truth, while pretending to advocate for women’s healthcare. The real question is how these people are able to live with themselves afterwards.

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