Most people know that Planned Parenthood is involved in schools, seeking to influence young people with its own brand of sex education. But it isn’t widely known that the abortion corporation has also hired employees for the sole purpose of working with movie and television producers and writers to change the stigma surrounding abortion, sexually transmitted diseases, and birth control. One employee in particular, Caren Spruch, is the Director of Arts and Entertainment Engagement. Spruch works to advance accurate portrayals of abortion and other sexual health topics by engaging directly with the people behind the programs on our TV screens. According to the Daily Caller, Planned Parenthood has been directly involved with over 150 films since 2014. If there were ever any doubt, it seems Hollywood and Planned Parenthood go hand in hand.
Considering the heavy impact pop culture has on the generations immersed in it — particularly younger generations — this is cause for concern. The opinions and ideas presented in media tend to become the gospel truth for a large portion of younger viewers. Spruch noted in a March article for Yes! Magazine, “Film, TV, and video do so much to normalize sexual and reproductive health and erase the shame that often surrounds it. It’s one of our most important tools for educating people, especially young people.”
READ: Media bias: Pro-life organizations receive heavy scrutiny, while Planned Parenthood gets a pass
Alencia Johnson, the former director of public engagement at Planned Parenthood who now works in public engagement for Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren’s campaign, explained it to the magazine this way:
The arts are a way to shift policy, mainly because we’re shifting culture. Over 50 percent of people actually believe that the health care information they see on TV and film is accurate. Therefore, we need to make sure that abortion storylines—storylines about sexuality, love, relationships, birth control, whatever it may be—related to gender and reproductive rights are accurate.
Planned Parenthood hosts events that allow them to share with filmmakers what they believe “reproductive health” looks like and how it can be “accurately” applied in film. Planned Parenthood also appears at film festivals like the Sundance Film Festival as a way to network with the people behind what viewers absorb regularly. Johnson claims a regular event Planned Parenthood holds at Sundance — the “Sex, Politics, Film, and TV brunch” — sometimes has more than 400 attendees.
Of course, it must be kept in mind that Planned Parenthood’s idea of “accurate abortion representation” means something completely different than the reality of abortion. Planned Parenthood’s true agenda is to promote abortion to women. According to Planned Parenthood and the media, abortion is the only way for women to truly be empowered and achieve the goals they set for themselves. Students for Life of America lays this out so clearly in their video, Abortion. No Matter What. – The Planned Parenthood Project, which shows exactly why Planned Parenthood promotes abortion over adoption.
In the end, it’s deceptive to paint over important details regarding abortion’s real effects. Abortion kills over 800,000 children per year. Abortion tears apart, burns, and destroys innocent preborn children. Abortion harms and even sometimes kills the women that seek it, and promotes a skewed and inaccurate idea of women’s empowerment. There is no sugar-coating the facts. All the media propaganda in the world can’t change the truth, even though they try to ignore the fact that abortion destroys innocent human beings.
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