Recently, a person on Twitter claimed to have received free IUD removal care from Planned Parenthood (PP) for an IUD which had perforated her uterus. Former PP manager Abby Johnson responded by claiming, “Planned Parenthood does not provide uterine surgery. They can not surgically remove [an] IUD.”
However, even if Planned Parenthood assisted in this individual case with free in-house care, it appears that — according to documents obtained by Live Action News — this isn’t standard operating practice when a patient needs emergency medical care which cannot be provided on site, the patient is responsible for paying for it, even if PP caused the injury. This is a concern, given the fact that emergencies at Planned Parenthood facilities have been documented numerous times by pro-life sidewalk counselors who regularly reach out to women outside abortion facilities.

Abby Johnson responds to claim PP Paid for IUD (Image: Twitter)
In addition, blogger Samanthan Kamman shares more proof at The Lone Conservative, revealing a conversation with Planned Parenthood over chat:
According to forms reviewed by Live Action News, if an emergency arises for a patient receiving care during a procedure at Planned Parenthood, the patient — not the abortion giant — will assume responsibility for any outside related costs, even if Planned Parenthood was the one that caused the patient’s injuries. The patient consent forms Live Action News located state plainly:
No promise can be made about the outcome of your abortion. In the unlikely event that you need emergency medical care that cannot be provided at Planned Parenthood, you will be responsible for paying for it. This is the case even if Planned Parenthood sends you to a hospital because of a problem.
At several PP locations, the disclaimer was clearly listed, no matter which procedure the patient requested.

PP California abortion consent form patient financially responsible
Planned Parenthood Association of Utah (and here and here).

PP Utah consent form patient financially responsible emergencies

PP Greater Wa abortion consent form patient financially responsible
PP Orange and San Bernardino Counties: lists abortion, including Digoxin injection… a medication used to stop the preborn baby’s heart before an abortion procedure, intra-uterine contraception insertion (placement of Mirena, Skyla, or ParaGard into the uterus to prevent pregnancy), contraceptive implant removal (transdermal, from the description provided below).

PP San Bernardino Counties abortion consent form Digoxin abortion IUD IUC
However, when it comes to abortion, this California PP made a special note to detail who would be responsible for emergencies:

PP San Bernardino Counties abortion consent form patient financially responsible
Endometrial Biopsy
Planned Parenthood San Bernardino Counties issued the same warning regarding patients seeking an endometrial biopsy.

PP San Bernardino Counties endometrial consent form
Intrauterine Contraceptive (IUC) and IUDs
When it comes to inserting IUDs (or IUCs, as they are sometimes called), Planned Parenthood patient forms also state:
No promise can be made about the outcome of putting in your IUC. In the unlikely event that you need emergency medical care that cannot be provided at Planned Parenthood, you will be responsible for paying for it. This is the case even if Planned Parenthood sends you to a hospital because of a problem.
This applies, even if you want the IUC removed and the IUC string is missing.

PP California IUC patient consent 2
Birth Control Implants

PP California BC Implant patient consent
Genital Warts

PP California Genital Warts consent form patient financially responsible
PP San Bernardino and Orange Counties:

PP San Bernardino Counties Cryotherapy consent form patient financially responsible
PP San Bernardino and Orange Counties:

PP San Bernardino Counties Miscarriage care consent form patient financially responsible
In January, pro-life watchdog group Operation Rescue reported the 71st emergency call to just one Planned Parenthood facility in St. Louis, Missouri. Operation Rescue also documented that 11 women were transported to the hospital from Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger Center in New York in 2017. The group documented two more hospital transports from the facility between January and April of 2018, according to a previous Live Action News report.
For more in-depth information, the website has documented a host of emergency calls to various PP centers across multiple years, including abortion-related deaths.
Editor’s Note, 3/29/19: Added in images from The Lone Conservative regarding PP chat.
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