There’s a big difference between what Planned Parenthood says, and what they do.
So says the headline quote from Alliance Defending Freedom’s revealing project, Investigate Their Plan. Through this project, ADF invites average citizens to find out what Planned Parenthood is focused on. The abortion giant likes to keep its agenda under wraps, but a little digging reveals the chilling truth.
It’s one thing to believe what a supposedly-credible organization tells you. It’s quite another to find out the real truth behind the organization’s words.
Planned Parenthood would like women everywhere to believe it is a credible, feminist, and worthy organization. Yet nothing could be farther from the truth. ADF’s Investigate Their Plan provides vital information to women – and all Americans – who want to know the facts.
Planned Parenthood says abortion services are a fraction of their business, yet more than half of their revenue comes from abortions. To make matters worse, former employees say clinics have abortion quotas and Planned Parenthood continues to oppose legal requirements to inform pregnant women of potential serious physical and psychological problems associated with abortion procedures.
Taxpayer dollars – your hard-earned money and mine – fund Planned Parenthood. To investigate Planned Parenthood’s real plan for yourself, download the Investigate Their Plan booklet for yourself. It’s free and enlightening. And no matter which side of the abortion issue you’re on, you owe it to yourself to get the real facts.

A graph from the Investigate Their Plan project
Not everything spoken can be trusted. Propaganda is easy to create, and Planned Parenthood is a propaganda master. Facts and actions matter more than words. So, if you’ve ever found yourself wondering what Planned Parenthood does with your tax money, whether “abortion quotas” are real, what’s included in Planned Parenthood’s “sex education,” how good the organization’s health standards for women really are, or what options Planned Parenthood actually offers women, the Investigate Their Plan project is your chance to find answers.
Also on the project’s website is a link to a 34 page Report to Congress that details waste, abuse, and potential fraud committed by Planned Parenthood for years. It’s a must-read for those who want to face the facts and be informed.
Editor’s Note: This week, Live Action News began a new series of articles: Why America Doesn’t Need Planned Parenthood. To catch up, read the first two articles here and here. Come back every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the next few weeks to find out more information on why our nation has no need for the abortion giant. Planned Parenthood’s time needs to end, and you can find out why at Live Action News.