
Former Planned Parenthood prez calls new Ireland abortion law ‘thrilling’

abortion, abortion pill, Ireland, Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood

On December 20th, Irish President Michael Higgins has signed a law making abortion legal in Ireland up to 12 weeks without restrictions. Minister for Health Simon Harris placed a rush on the country to prepare for abortions to be committed January 1st. A three-day waiting period was written into the law, as was a plan to review the law in three years. No conscience protections and no restrictions on abortions for reasons of sex or disability (or anything else) survived the legislative chamber.

In response to the news, former Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards tweeted an article about the “sheer joy” of taxpayer-funded abortions now available in Ireland.

Earlier this year, Richards greeted news of the repeal of the constitutional rights of the unborn in a similar manner:

Richards’ rhetoric represents a stunning disconnect with the grave reality of abortion. Planned Parenthood’s own studies indicate one in three women are coerced into abortion, usually by the males in their lives. A 2016 Guttmacher Institute report indicates that most women who seek abortions cite financial hardship and excessive existing obligations as the primary reason behind their decisions — hardly something to be “thrilled” about.

READ: WATCH: People of Ireland shocked by details of new abortion bill

The Ireland Family Planning Association has confirmed it will begin providing ‘free’ (government funded) abortions starting January 7, 2019.

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