Law and Order: Criminal Intent actors Eric Bogosian, Vincent DOnofrio, Kathryn Erbe, and Julianne Nicholson teamed up with Planned Parenthood to advocate for taxpayer funded abortions in this new ad:
NOTE: The “Stupak Ammendment” talked about in the ad is the ammendment blocking taxpayer funds from going to commit abortions.
And what does the American people think about taxpayer funded abortions? Well a recent CNSNews article titled, Quinnipiac Poll: Using Public Funds for Abortion ‘Extremely Unpopular’ with Americans said:
The poll of likely voters showed 72 percent said they oppose allowing abortions to be paid for with public funds under any new health care system created by the government.
- Rate and comment on the new Planned Parenthood ad on YouTube. Remember to share your viewpoint but always be civil and respectful.
- Share your thoughts with the actors that participated in this ad. Their contact information:
Eric Bogosian:, 212.501.3201 (the press and public relations number on his website)
Vincent D’Onofrio: Contact through NBC show feedback here.
Kathryn Erbe: Contact through NBC show feedback here.
Julianne Nicholson: Contact through NBC show feedback here. - Pass this post on.
Planned Parenthood makes their video “private”. Did we scare them by talking about their abortion advocacy? Did some of the talent in the film re-think things and want the video taken down? Who knows, but here is the screen shot:
UPDATE II: The video is public again.
UPDATE III: The video is back to being private. Can you make up your mind Planned Parenthood?