
Planned Parenthood looks to enshrine discrimination in Colorado “unlawful termination” bill

Are we all created equal, or not?

The legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. rightly remains embedded in our national consciousness whenever we are faced with issues of discrimination. It was Dr. King, primarily, who taught America to keep her promises in considering that all human beings are persons and that, as persons, we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights. He called on us to judge people by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin, because it is our moral failures that weaken us as a nation, and it is moral strength to view all persons as having inherent dignity.

Planned Parenthood Clinic SignPlanned Parenthood, unfortunately, has rejected this viewpoint in perpetuating the idea, with taxpayer funding, that moral failure is something to be celebrated, and that our laws should enshrine legal discrimination against unwanted children. Their backing of Colorado’s “Crimes Against Pregnant Women Act” and opposition to the “Brady Project” is a good example of their commitment to legal and taxpayer-funded discrimination against persons in the womb who are deemed unworthy to breathe free.

The Brady Project is a Colorado petition drive to support a state constitutional amendment backed by Heather Surovik, who lost her nine-month-old pre-born son Brady when they were hit by a drunk driver. The amendment would allow criminal prosecution of those who commit “criminal offenses and negligent and wrongful acts” that result in the death of a pre-born child.

Rational basis is given in the text of the amendment – specifically, that an unborn child is a “person” and, as such, merits protection by the law in those cases when a pregnant woman loses her child in the course of a criminal act such as the drunk-driving incident that took the life of Surovik’s son Brady. Planned Parenthood opposes the Brady Amendment because, as the nation’s largest abortion provider, the corporation relies on a rejection of the rational basis that pre-born children are “persons.” Instead, the people at Planned Parenthood are supporting “Crimes Against Pregnant Women” legislation so that pre-born babies can continue to be discriminated against based on whether they are “wanted” or “unwanted.”

According to Keith Mason, president of Personhood USA, the legislation backed by Planned Parenthood has serious legal ramifications for children in the womb.

“It was partly authored by Planned Parenthood. Not only does it remove every restriction for abortion that is on the books, but it intentionally and specifically denotes that anyone not born is not a person,” Mason told CNA.

If Colorado accepts Planned Parenthood’s “Crimes Against Pregnant Women” legislation and rejects the Brady Amendment, there should be no argument that Colorado will have indeed come full circle in rejecting Dr. King’s vision that we are created equal by virtue of our humanity alone.

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