
Planned Parenthood’s love/hate relationship with science

abortion, preborn

Have you ever been in a dysfunctional relationship with a significant other or a parent, or maybe even a friend? One minute you find yourself getting along perfectly, enjoying life, supporting each other and having a great time. The next you find yourself being put down, maybe even disowned.

Planned Parenthood appears to be engaging in such a relationship with a friend of mine called “Science.” One minute, Planned Parenthood appears to be very pro-science – even justifying their use of aborted baby body parts in the name of “scientific research.” Then in the next moment, we hear them denying science and its role in the abortion debate. When science can be used to their benefit, they claim it, promote it, and attempt to use it as a get out of jail free card. But when science clearly contradicts what they stand for, they deny its importance and disown it.

A great example of this took place in Fort Lewis, Colorado, during a 2010 debate over personhood. Student representatives from “Advocates for Choice,” Planned Parenthood’s student outreach group, made clear their stance on science. While this footage is several years old, it deserves another look, as it reveals PP’s utter disregard for science, at least when it isn’t on their side:

In the video, PP reps claim that determining when human life begins is a question of personal beliefs, not science. Wait, what? Each individual’s personal beliefs – even if they are based on superstition, indoctrination, outdated cultural values, and catchy slogans – overrule scientific fact?

That doesn’t seem very progressive. Science is clear on when human life begins, but when Planned Parenthood just doesn’t like the scientific facts, they dismiss them.

We also hear the reps telling students that science is not “absolute truth.” They compare the mother of a child to a “host,” and the unborn child to a “virus.” One rep declares that “science cannot be applied to my body” – an interesting statement from an organization which claims to be so active in promoting scientific research and women’s health.

In a 2011 article for Life Site News, John Jalsevac explains one reason behind Planned Parenthood’s low view of science:

“’My body, my choice.’ ‘A woman’s right to choose.’ These slogans have so completely infiltrated the minds of pro-abortion extremists that they literally cannot see the world outside of their framework. They cannot deviate from these pat, and ultimately meaningless slogans, one inch – even if science demands that they do so.”

In a more comical – yet amazingly accurate – look at the “science” card so often played by pro-aborts, Destiny from New Wave Feminists released a video that summarizes their arguments quite well:

The fact is, Planned Parenthood is a business. As an organization, they care about themselves, their money, their reputation. When something exposes Planned Parenthood for what they are, they dismiss it – whether that be incriminating videos from the Center for Medical Progress, logic, or even science itself.

It’s time to call Planned Parenthood out on their willfully ignorant disregard for science.

conception, fertilization, science, fact, life, human

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