Planned Parenthood Chapel Hill recently sent two women to the emergency room with injuries from botched abortions in incidents just one week apart. The events make three known emergencies to have taken place at this abortion facility so far in 2023.
Operation Rescue reported that the first emergency took place on March 24, and the victim appears to have undergone multiple abortion attempts. As often happens, the ambulance approached without lights or sirens on; this is usually requested by abortion facilities to avoid drawing attention to the emergency.
“As soon as I saw the ambulance coming down the road, I knew it had to be coming to Planned Parenthood,” a pro-life advocate on the scene told Operation Rescue. “They had no lights on.”
The 911 call revealed that the victim was a 36-year-old woman who had undergone a dilation and evacuation (D&E), or dismemberment, abortion. This is a multi-day procedure in which the preborn child is torn apart limb by limb, using forceps.
Oddly, after connecting with 911 and getting a dispatcher on the line, the staffer made the dispatcher wait and had the abortionist come to the line. The abortionist explained that all they were able to do was remove the laminaria, which dilates the cervix, and couldn’t finish the abortion because the woman was hemorrhaging.
“She was here for the second day of her second-trimester abortion,” the abortionist explained. “We removed her dilators and she was having significant bleeding. She’s not dilated enough to do the procedure, which sometimes would stop the bleeding. So even with us placing more dilators to kind of tamponade the bleeding, she’s still having ongoing bleeding.”
While the recording is difficult to understand in parts, it also sounded as if the abortionist may have said “this patient is on her third D&E,” bringing into question whether this patient had undergone two previous completed abortions with previous pregnancies or whether this was the third attempt at this particular D&E.
In the second emergency, which took place on April 1, a 31-year-old woman was taken to the hospital due to hemorrhaging. Emergency personnel were again asked to leave their sirens off, and this time, the abortion staffer took extra time to answer the dispatcher’s questions by repeating them to someone else every time.
This facility is allegedly under investigation for another botched abortion, which took place in January.
“We hear constant claims from mainstream media that ‘abortion is safe,’” Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, said in a statement. “However, the injuries we document every single week at Operation Rescue tell a very different story. Abortion is always lethal to the child and, many times, just as lethal and devastating for the mother. North Carolina can and should protect them both.”