Planned Parenthood, the organization which has worked for decades to normalize abortion (the intentional killing of preborn human beings), has now set its goal on normalizing its latest profitable “service” by promoting transgender ideology (the intentional altering of one’s own natural biology in an effort to match what a person feels about one’s own sexual identity).
Claiming to be an “expert,” Planned Parenthood wrote in a recent Instagram post, “Feeling like you’re multiple genders is totally normal and OK. Some people call this multigender, which is just as normal is female, male, transgender, or any other gender ideology.”
“Multigender people can be: More than one gender at the same time, Different genders in different situations, Different genders at different times,” Planned Parenthood also wrote.

Planned Parenthood on Instagram Normalizing Transgender and Multigender ideology

Planned Parenthood on Instagram normalizing transgender and multigender ideology
Planned Parenthood claimed on its website that “Some people use ‘multigender’ as their primary gender identity. Other multigender people use the term as shorthand for more specific gender identities — like being bigender (2 genders), trigender (3 genders), poly gender (many genders), and pangender (all genders).”
“Some multigender people identify as genderfluid because their gender identity fluctuates. Other labels like these may include: nonbinary, genderqueer, gender nonconforming, and agender. Some people may want to be more specific about their genders, and use gender identities like: transgender, girl/woman, and boy/man. Bottom line: you — and only you — know how you feel, and you get to decide what identity fits you best,” Planned Parenthood’s website added.
“It’s also perfectly normal and OK if that feeling and identity changes day-to-day, or over time. You definitely don’t need to limit yourself to one gender if that doesn’t feel right,” the Planned Parenthood website suggested.
Despite the concept that one person can have “multiple genders,” Planned Parenthood states online, “Sex is a label — male or female — that you’re assigned by a doctor at birth based on the genitals you’re born with and the chromosomes you have. It goes on your birth certificate. Gender is much more complex: It’s a social and legal status, and set of expectations from society, about behaviors, characteristics, and thoughts. Each culture has standards about the way that people should behave based on their gender. This is also generally male or female. But instead of being about body parts, it’s more about how you’re expected to act, because of your sex.” (emphasis added)
Abortion and “Gender-Affirming care” Go Hand in Hand
In addition, the largest abortion provider in the nation is also conflating abortion advocacy with “gender-affirming care” advocacy.
Last month, Planned Parenthood’s political arm tweeted, “It’s not just about abortion. Advocating for abortion goes hand-in-hand with advocating for gender-affirming care and birth control. Access to health care is a right, no matter what.”
And, back on Instagram, Planned Parenthood — which promotes abortion as “compassionate” — wrote, “Abortion Is Gender Affirming Care.”
It’s not just about abortion. Advocating for abortion goes hand-in-hand with advocating for gender-affirming care and birth control. Access to health care is a right, no matter what.
— Planned Parenthood Action (@PPact) May 28, 2023

Planned Parenthood on Instagram abortion is gender-affirming care
Despite claiming for decades that abortion is a woman’s right, Planned Parenthood Illinois Action has tweeted, “Women aren’t the only ones who have abortions. And Planned Parenthood is proud to provide gender-affirming health care to all people.”
The image in the tweet below reads “Normalize Abortion.”
Women aren't the only ones who have abortions. And Planned Parenthood is proud to provide gender-affirming health care to all people.
Learn more at #Pride #MenHealthWeek #TransHealthMatters
Art credit: @ninafarryn (IG)
— Planned Parenthood Illinois Action (@PPIAction) June 15, 2021
Live Action News has estimated that between 2014 and 2019, Planned Parenthood saw a 669% increase — nearly 700% — in the number of its facilities offering cross-sex hormone injections for transgender-identifying individuals, an increase from 26 centers to 200 centers.
In addition, Planned Parenthood’s website claims, “Many people know their gender identity as young as age 2…”
Like contraception and abortion before it, Planned Parenthood is also targeting teens with their transgender ideology online, as Live Action News previously documented:
- A video entitled “Is This Normal? Puberty in Intersex and Non-Binary People, Explained,” linked on a teen website published by Planned Parenthood, promotes “puberty blockers” and hormones to teens.
- Planned Parenthood’s teen videos push “medicines you can take to delay puberty…called puberty blockers,” claiming “they work like a stop sign, by holding hormones testosterone and estrogen that cause puberty changes, like facial hair growth and periods.”
- A kid video series by Planned Parenthood entitled, “The Gender Unicorn” tells kids that “gender identity” is “what you feel you are,” and suggests “it’s up here in the brain… not what your genitals tell you are” — it’s “who you feel you are.”
- A separate Planned Parenthood teen video, “What Is Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation?,” advises teens that “Identity is who you go to bed as. And orientation is who you go to bed with.”
In addition, some Planned Parenthood affiliates offer “gender-affirming” services to older teens, while at least one offers “gender-affirming hormone therapy” in-person to teens as young as 14.
In school, Planned Parenthood is also working to normalize the transgender ideology to children. As Fox News recently reported, “An elementary school in Washington state reportedly used sex education material from Planned Parenthood that included information about puberty blockers and graphics of pubic hair art.”
According to the media outlet, “Kids were shown… a ‘Gender Wheel’ that featured a list of pronouns to address various obscure transgender identities such as ‘femme boy’ and ‘genderfluid person.'” (This is the same as multi-gendered.) “However,” Fox news added, “the most graphic thing kids were shown was a diagram of differently shaped genitalia. Some of the pictures included pubic hair shaved to appear like a cartoonish cat, while another showed pubic hair shaved like a heart.”
According to, “The Gender Wheel gets its inspiration from ancient Mayan and Aztec calendrical wheels, patterns of growth in nature and the infinite, nonlinear aspect of circles.” The gender wheel was created by Maya Gonzalez, a “Xicanx genderqueer femme, and an award-winning children’s book artist, author and activist.”
“Another excerpt from the material included information about puberty blocker medication and described them as ‘supplies that could be helpful during puberty’ and a ‘small, flexible implant,'” Fox News wrote.
“Fourth and fifth grade students at Lincoln Elementary in Olympia School District in Washington, received the presentation from Teen Council, a sex-education program from Planned Parenthood, on May 9,” the UK Daily Mail reported.

Gender Wheel
Radio Talk Show host Jason Rantz exposed the story, and according to KTTH News, “Students were told that puberty blockers, like SUPPRELIN LA, are one of the ‘supplies that could be helpful during puberty!’ It describes it as a ‘small, flexible implant.’”
“On another page of the pamphlet, students were told, ‘Some kids are he. Some kids are she. Some kids are they. And some kids have more pronouns to share because everyone belongs!’ Students were asked to reflect on what ‘pronouns do you like to use? What feels good to you? Is there a way you like to describe your gender? If not, that’s okay!’” KTTH wrote.
“Students were also given a ‘gender wheel’ worksheet as part of the elementary school sex ed. It listed different identities, like trans, intersex, drag king, trans femme, agender person, girlish boy, boi grrl, and nonbinary person. It introduces children to ‘they’ and ‘ze’ as pronouns (along with, inexplicably, ‘tree’) and teaches kids that ‘ways of thinking are changing all the time as old, limited beliefs transform and evolve,’” KTTH also wrote.