Silent No More is a pro-life group that compiles the testimonies of post-abortion women who regret their abortions, as well as the stories of men who fathered aborted children and others affected by the abortion industry. They have put together a document of women’s testimonies regarding Planned Parenthood.
All of the women featured in the document went to Planned Parenthood for an abortion or an abortion referral. Every one of them now says that Planned Parenthood should be defunded. Here is one of the testimonies:
My name is Anne-Marie and I’m from Michigan. I want to let you know that I had an abortion at a Planned Parenthood Clinic in Michigan. I was 18 at the time and 11 weeks pregnant. There was no counseling at all. It was pay at the front desk, then sit in a small waiting room for a few minutes, then into the room where they did the abortions. After the abortion, I was taken to an area with cots and given some orange juice and cookies. When I think back, it astonishes me at the speed with which I was in and out the door. I was not the only one… as the waiting room was full of young women. Planned Parenthood or should they be named Money Grabbers?