In an unsurprising turn of events, Planned Parenthood and its president, Cecile Richards, have taken to Twitter to publicly praise an abortion doctor who has little regard for the law.
Planned Parenthood calls the mockery “fantastic,” and Richards names it “just the right amount of sassy,” demonstrating Planned Parenthood’s propensity to publicly mock the laws that are designed to keep women safe and fully informed.
Just the right amount of sassy. #TrustWomen
— Cecile Richards (@CecileRichards) August 31, 2015
This patient consent form provided by a TX doctor is fantastic:
— Planned Parenthood (@PPact) August 31, 2015
The facts have already proved Planned Parenthood is a major hypocrite where ultrasounds are concerned. If a law requires a woman to have an ultrasound prior to abortion – even an abdominal one – PP cries “medical rape.” Yet, the abortion giant’s own website informs women that they will most likely get an ultrasound prior to an abortion, and sometimes, a second one afterwards.
In fact, if Planned Parenthood were to actually deny ultrasounds to women, or only give them as it chooses, this would be blatant bad medicine. Without an ultrasound, PP abortion doctors have no way of determining the age of the baby, and no way of determining how to not endanger the woman during an abortion.
Additionally, as Live Action has previously documented, Planned Parenthood’s own executives freely admit that they use ultrasounds to perform abortions in such a way that the baby’s organs can be harvested and sold. As PP’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Deborah Nucatola, puts it:
I’d say a lot of people want liver. And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps. …
We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.
Planned Parenthood’s and Cecile Richard’s tweets just go to show – again – that Planned Parenthood will twist any law, break any code of medical ethics, and harm any human being – including women – if the result is making a buck.
In Planned Parenthood’s mind, while ultrasounds are good for harvesting, they are bad for the abortion business. So instead of giving women full, accurate, factual information with a professional attitude, Planned Parenthood celebrates a doctor who makes fun of the law and the exact information a woman in an “anguished” situation needs.
It really is all about “the bottom line” for Planned Parenthood.
For money, Planned Parenthood will mock the law. (Not to mention break it.) For money, Planned Parenthood will lie to women. For money, Planned Parenthood will harvest and sell the livers, bones, and brains of babies. And for money, Planned Parenthood will kill these same babies by crushing, ripping, and vacuuming them to pieces. For money, Planned Parenthood and its business partners will even leave born-alive infants to die and worse yet, kill them by slicing open their faces with scissors.
How “fantastic” is the real truth, Planned Parenthood?