
Planned Parenthood president releases video defending baby parts collection as compassionate

In a video released today, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards defended the “tissue donation programs” of Planned Parenthood as lifesaving and compassionate. The only apology Richards issued, however, was for the tone of voice used by Senior Director of Medical Services Deborah Nucatola in the undercover video, where Nucatola discusses the sale of aborted baby parts.


In the video, Richards downplayed the undercover investigation as  a plot from people set on stopping abortion, saying “we will never let that happen.” Richards also sent the video to her mailing list, urging for donations to sustain the group through this time.


Richards condemns the video as being “heavily edited,” but she never acknowledges the full, almost three-hour, unedited video and its corresponding transcript, which are available for public viewing.

In the midst of statements touting Planned Parenthood’s health care services, Richards also fails to explain that in reality, Planned Parenthood’s product is abortion. Health services for women have been continually cut under her leadership.

“I want to be really clear. The allegation that Planned Parenthood profits in any way from tissue donation is not true. Our donation programs, like any other high quality health care providers, follows [sic] all laws and ethical guidelines.”

“Our top priority is the compassionate care that we provide.”

Richards emphasized it is always the patient’s choice to donate tissue; however, as some analysts have noted, the consent forms patients sign are not clear enough to explain that abortionists allegedly manipulate the child in order to obtain intact body parts. This consent from Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, a profitable California affiliate, simply indicates “blood and/or the tissue” as donations. Choosing to donate blood is vastly different from choosing to donate a baby’s brain.

Richards is attempting some damage control by playing the victim; however, it remains clear that the real victims in this tragedy never had a voice, or a choice.

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