Planned Parenthood Pushes BDSM on Teens
PP Counselor Promotes “Asphyxiation,” “Tying Up,” “Whipping”
Arlington, VA – Two more investigative videos from pro-life organization Live Action show Planned Parenthood facilities in Denver, Colorado offering disturbing and dangerous advice to what staffers think are underage girls. The counselors approvingly lay out in graphic detail a spectrum of sadistic sexual behaviors to the investigators, including “whipping,” “tying up,” and “asphyxiation.”
“Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains is already bragging about receiving ObamaCare grants specifically for sex education,” Lila Rose, Live Action’s president, said. “Here’s an abortion corporation, which gets 45% of its budget from the taxpayers, telling 15- and 16-year-olds not only to have sex, but also to choke each other in the process. Police should be busting down its door.”
The Live Action site lists a number of extremely questionable and disturbing marketing practices and counsel from Planned Parenthood. Examples include the “resource” website Go Ask Alice! (describing, among other things, how sexual partners can beat each other) and the sponsorship of a seminar for educators called “50 Shades of Safe” (seeking to explain “how a BDSM relationship is successfully navigated between sexual partners”).
One Planned Parenthood counselor tells Live Action’s investigator to use a “safe word” when practicing BDSM with her boyfriend so that he knows when she feels uncomfortable or unsafe. When the investigator asks if she can just say “stop,” the counselor answers that using words like “stop” can get “mixed up when you’re having intercourse” and that the male partner will wonder, “Does she really mean ‘stop,’ or does she mean, you know, whatever?” The other counselor concurs: “Usually, a lot of people will say ‘stop’ even though it feels good, so that’s usually not something that is used.”
“This Planned Parenthood-approved advice of ‘do whatever you want, but just use a safe word’ says to kids that rape scenarios can have a part in safe and healthy sexuality,” Rose said. “It’s extremely dangerous counseling: they’re undermining and invalidating the crucial rule of consent by teaching young girls that ‘no’ doesn’t always mean ‘no.’”
Live Action is calling on Colorado residents to contact their local officials, including school administrators. “Parents need to get on the phone right now,” Rose said, “and ask their principals and superintendents, ‘Do you have a relationship with Planned Parenthood? Are you okay with this sort of behavior being pushed on my children?’ This won’t stop until people take action locally for their kids.”
The Colorado videos are part of an ongoing investigative series called “SexEd: Planned Parenthood’s Dangerous Sex Advice for Kids.” A previous installment showed the Planned Parenthood affiliate in Indianapolis giving advice to what they thought was an underage girl on how to practice BDSM and access sex shops and pornographic websites. More videos to come.
Live Action is a youth-led movement dedicated to building a culture of life and ending the human rights abuse of abortion. The group uses new media to educate the public about the humanity of the unborn and investigative journalism to expose threats against the vulnerable and defenseless. More information at