Unsurprisingly, Planned Parenthood is proving its grand lack of “Care. No Matter What.” for rape and incest victims. Once again, America’s abortion giant is proving that abortion is its front and center priority – not the well-being and rescue of victimized women.
Planned Parenthood claimed the 20-week abortion ban, just passed by the U.S. House:
Forces sexual assault survivors to wait for 48 hours and survivors of incest who are minors must file a police report to qualify for the exception and access safe, legal abortion
Requires survivors (during their mandated 48-hour waiting period) to undergo compulsory, unnecessary medical treatment or counseling in order to access safe, legal abortion — a senseless delay in their access to constitutionally protected care.
(Find the real wording of the bill here.)
But wait? Planned Parenthood claims to “Care. No Matter What.” And yet the organization has the guts to object to the filing of a police report for minors who have survived incest? It boldly calls counseling for rape victims and medical care for injuries sustained in a rape “a senseless delay”? Even abortion supporters should be able to see this as a new low for Planned Parenthood.
If Planned Parenthood truly cared “no matter what” about women, it would gladly agree to a mandated police report for minors who have suffered through incest. It would willingly agree to counseling for rape victims.
Instead, Planned Parenthood reveals its true agenda yet again: get women in and out of the abortion clinic, just like cattle. Refuse to care for their true needs or stop the abuse that’s happening to them.
Why? Oh right…Planned Parenthood is about abortion at all costs, at all times, and in all situations, not about women themselves.
![From Live Action's undercover video on Planned Parenthood's willing cooperation with pimps](https://www.liveactionnews.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/violate-policy-300x168.jpg)
From one of Live Action’s undercover videos on Planned Parenthood’s willing cooperation with pimps
This is an organization that readily sends minor girls back to their abusers. This is an organization that happily works with pimps to perform abortions on their trafficked girls.
No wonder Planned Parenthood objects to police reports and counseling. It would kinda sorta ruin their plan.
According to Dr. David C. Reardon, abortion is often forced on women or girls who have been raped or made victims of incest. They need effective counseling, and they need to be affirmed as mothers who can give life to their innocent children:
In our survey of women who became pregnant as a result of rape or incest, many women who underwent abortions indicated that they felt pressured or were strongly directed by family members or health care workers to have abortions. The abortion came about not because of the woman’s desire to abort but as a response to the suggestions or demands of others. In many cases, resources such as health workers, counselors and others who are normally there to help women after sexual assault pushed for abortion. Family pressure, withholding of support and resources that the woman needed to continue the pregnancy, manipulative an inadequate counseling and other problems all played a role into pushing women into abortions, even though abortion was often not what the woman really wanted.
Further, in almost every case involving incest, it was the girl’s parents or the perpetrator who made the decision and arrangements for the abortion, not the girl herself. (See Accomplices in Incest for an example.) None of these women reported having any input into the decision. Each was simply expected to comply with the choice of others. In several cases, the abortion was carried out over the objections of the girl, who clearly told others that wanted to continue the pregnancy. In a few cases, victim was not even clearly aware that she was pregnant or that the abortion was being carried out.
True stories about women and girls who gave life to their babies after rape or incest:
- Amazing Indiana girl chose life after being raped at 13
- Raped by someone she trusted, she refused abortion and is raising her daughter on her own
- Raped while on a business trip, my husband and I chose life
- Child of incest: “every child should be given a chance at the life that they’re given”
- Save the 1 (story page here)