Colorado may mean “the land of color,” but it seems the state has become the land of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains — chiefly due to the state’s refusal to investigate serious claims against the abortion giant.
Last week, the Republican Study Committee of Colorado held an informational hearing on Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) – one of the abortion giant’s largest affiliates in the nation. Dr. Savita Ginde, the Vice President and Medical Director of PPRM was one of the top Planned Parenthood officials caught on tape discussing the harvesting and sale of baby body parts. She is the one who stated, while looking at a baby who had just been aborted (probably by her): “It’s a baby.”
For context, Live Action reported on this scene from a Center for Medical Progress video back in July:
Her admission comes as Ginde, a medical assistant, and fetal parts buyers are standing in the lab room, piecing through the body parts of a newly-aborted baby. As the baby, covered in blood, is being sifted through, Ginde admits what everyone at Planned Parenthood knows:
“It’s a baby.”
… Earlier in the video, Ginde bluntly states that about 10% of babies in the second-trimester are delivered intact. She says that, in nearly 10% of second-trimester cases at PPRM, the babies are delivered by their mothers before an abortionist gets to them.
The fact that so many second-trimester babies are “delivered intact” is a legal problem – as well as an ethical and moral one. Intact babies are often born alive, especially considering that, in these cases no abortion has yet been performed. What has occurred is the forced dilation of the woman. As abortion industry workers tell it, these women go into labor ahead of schedule, and voila – an intact (and likely living) baby is born.
And while it may seem inconvenient for these babies to be born alive, and while the situation at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains may cause some to seek out another abortion facility, we ought to instead consider what the facts are telling us. What is this creature, this ‘fetus,’ this baby that is being born ‘intact’? Is she a living human being who ought to be allowed to develop and live? These babies born intact at Denver Planned Parenthood should clue us in to the reality of the humanity of every child in the womb. They are human; they are living; they should continue to live.

PPRM’s Savita Ginde
Back to the story: Perrin Larton, a procurement manager from Advanced Bioscience Resources technician admitted on one CMP tape:
I literally have had women come in and they’ll go in the OR, and they’re back out in 3 minutes, and I’m going “What’s goin’ on?” “Oh yeah, the fetus was already in the vaginal canal whenever we put her in the stirrups, it just fell out.
Notably, Larton fails to explain what happens to these babies who just “fell out.” We gain insight into their fate by considering the Holly O’Donnell video.
O’Donnell is the StemExpress whistleblower who told about her horrific experience at the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in San Jose. There, she was ordered to slice open the face of a born-alive boy who had survived an abortion so that she could harvest his brain. This little boy was a second-trimester baby – just like the ones who PPRM’s Dr. Savita Ginde said are sometimes born intact in Denver.
Put together, the testimonies and admissions made by Ginde, Larton, and O’Donnell add up to one disturbing question: Exactly how many babies are born alive after an attempted abortion that does not succeed? And what happens to these babies?
It’s almost certain that they do not receive the appropriate standard of medical care, required for any born-alive infant by the federal Born Alive Infant Protection Act. Planned Parenthood clinics are not stocked with life-saving or even palliative care equipment for premature babies.
The reason this fact scenario so heavily involves Colorado is because Denver – where Savita Ginde performs a number of her abortions – is home to one of the largest Planned Parenthood mega-clinics in the nation. The fact that a number of second-trimester babies – approaching 10% – are admittedly born intact on a regular basis should result in an immediate investigation by state authorities.
Even under state law in Colorado, once a human being is born, she is considered a person, and basic legal rights are vested in her. There is a big question as to whether or not Planned Parenthood recognizes and acts in accordance with these rights, based on Dr. Ginde’s own revelation.

What does Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains do with babies like this one — and why are we aborting them at all?
To date, no Colorado government agency has announced an investigation into Planned Parenthood – despite the investigative videos, Dr. Ginde’s revelation, the case of a 13-year-old girl who was given an abortion and returned to her abuser by Planned Parenthood (despite state reporting laws), and the misuse of millions in state taxpayer funds. While Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper is pro-abortion and a friend of Planned Parenthood, not all state officials are.
At the informational hearing, Republican Attorney General Cynthia Coffman was the only state agency to send a representative. He indicated that there were some circumstances under which AG Coffman might be willing to investigate Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, though to date, the AG’s office has made no such announcement. While a prosecution by the AG would require additional facts, Colorado law allows the AG to launch an investigation right now.
Colorado citizens can contact the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the Attorney General’s office to urge an investigation into Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM):
Dr. Larry Wolk, Executive Director
Mark Salley, Director of Communications
If you have specific knowledge of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado that poses a health risk, you can file a complaint here.
Attorney General
Cynthia Coffman