Live Action frequently exposes the reality that Planned Parenthood does not offer health care, despite popular claims to the contrary, and instead brutally kills preborn babies and harms mothers in the process.
Live Action News, relying on the documentation of 911 calls obtained by Operation Rescue, has reported how Planned Parenthood staff has severely injured women and further endangered clients by mishandling emergency situations.
Below are specific incidents in which Planned Parenthood employees called 911 for injured women, but withheld information from dispatchers and requested ambulances to arrive without lights or sirens — a request that can cause delays when every second counts.
Staffers at a Planned Parenthood facility in Orange, California, withheld information from dispatchers on three occasions in April and May of 2024, and verbally fought with the dispatcher. Operation Rescue obtained audio of three separate 911 calls placed from the facility in the spring of 2024:
April 5, 2024: A staffer at the Planned Parenthood facility in Orange, California, called 911 and told the dispatcher only that a woman needed to be “transferred emergently to the hospital for a complication.”
The dispatcher responded that she needed to know more so that she could know which kind of equipment she needed to send with the emergency personnel. The Planned Parenthood staffer, after much questioning, finally mentioned elusively that the patient had a “pregnancy-related complication,” was in her twenties, and was conscious.
May 31, 2024: A Planned Parenthood staffer named Christina called 911, and refused to give critical information.
“Okay, we need some more information, so we know the response to send on our end,” the dispatcher replied to Christina’s initial request for an ambulance for a “complication.”
The dispatcher asked the staffer to find out the “chief complaint” or the reason for requesting a transport.
The staffer refused to answer, saying, “It’s a pregnancy-related procedure. That’s all the information I have for you.”
The dispatcher reiterated the need for more information, and asked to speak to the doctor, at which point the staffer stepped away to discuss the issue with the manager. In the background, the manager can be heard saying, “Tell her she had a surgical abortion, and she needs to be transferred to the hospital now.”
Finally, Christina communicated to the dispatcher that the woman had lost “about over a liter” of blood. The manager then took the call, and the dispatcher asked for more information… seemingly infuriating the manager.
Live Action News previously reported:
“You just need to send the paramedics!” she snapped. “They’ve come here many times before. I just need the paramedics.” The manager eventually admitted it was a first trimester abortion. “This is not typical for you guys to ask so many questions. That’s why we’re kind of concerned,” the manager added. But the dispatcher refused to be dissuaded. “It is, it’s absolutely typical,” she said. The manager continued to argue, saying, “No it’s not, I’ve had – I’ve done this before.”
“Allow me to do my job, ok?” responded the dispatcher, again repeating that the paramedics were already on their way.
Moments later, after the call had ended, a staff member at the facility called 911 again, apparently by accident. In the audio, as the dispatcher tries to speak to someone, a staff member, presumably the facility manager, is heard scolding a staffer for providing the dispatcher with too much information.
This Planned Parenthood has a history of botching abortions. Additionally, the facility was investigated by the Department of Justice in 2017 for illegally participating in the sale of aborted babies’ body parts, and later received $7.5 million in coronavirus stimulus relief funds from the Federal Payroll Protection Program which it should not have received.
Carbondale Planned Parenthood
On May 10, 2024, an employee of the Planned Parenthood facility in Carbondale, Illinois, called 911 for a woman with a perforated uterus, according to the call audio and transcript obtained by Operation Rescue.
“We need a patient that needs transferred to the emergency room,” the staffer said, adding, “Uh, the patient was having a procedure abortion, and there was a perforation of her uterus.”
The staffer then said the victim was a 23-year-old woman who was bleeding, although it was currently “controlled.”
The dispatcher had to repeat her questions as the Planned Parenthood staffer appeared to have an accent that caused the dispatcher difficulty in understanding.
According to Operation Rescue, the CAD transcript of the call indicates that the woman required advanced life support from paramedics dispatched at the highest priority before being taken to Memorial Hospital of Carbondale.
Flossmoor Planned Parenthood
On October 15, 2024, an employee of Planned Parenthood in Flossmoor, Illinois, called 911 requesting an ambulance for a 31-year-old woman who was “bleeding pretty heavily” from her vagina, according to audio obtained by Operation Rescue. This staffer was vague about the injured woman’s condition and showed she wasn’t prepared even to give the patient’s age to the dispatcher over the phone.
Moments later, the staffer tried to cancel the ambulance: “I’m sorry, it seems that she is stabilizing the patient, so I think she is going to want to just monitor for now,” she told the dispatcher.
The dispatcher responded that the paramedics were already on their way and would decide with the doctor about whether or not the woman needed to be transported to the hospital.
“We’ve already sent out the paramedics, so they’re still going to head over there. But if, you know, the doctor speaks with them and they decide she doesn’t need to be transported, they can make that decision amongst themselves,” the dispatcher said.
It is not known what happened next. However, the CAD obtained by Operation Rescue indicates that staff may have prevented the paramedics from evaluating the patient; under comments, it says “no checks” and “refusal signed.” The CAD also shows that paramedics had to enter the facility through the back door, possibly because the staff wanted to conceal the emergency from other clients.
That raises more questions: was the woman actually stabilized on-site, or did Planned Parenthood staffers merely send her to the hospital in a private vehicle to avoid leaving a record of the severity of the injury? And because there is virtually no accountability in place for the abortion industry in Illinois, we are not likely to ever know.
Numerous women have been injured at this facility, including two women in less than two weeks in 2023. Also in 2023, one of the facility escorts was also charged with battery after an unprovoked attack on a pro-life sidewalk counselor.
On August 30, 2023, an employee at the Planned Parenthood in Flint, Michigan, called a private ambulance service and avoided using the public 911 service, presumably to hide a patient’s injury. Operation Rescue obtained audio clips of the communication between the staffer and the dispatcher, as well as the computer-aided dispatch transcript (CAD), which reveal that the emergency involved a 32-year-old woman who was “in and out of consciousness during [her] procedure.”

Source: CAD Transcript Image, Source: Operation Rescue
The CAD instructed emergency personnel: “Use back door and turn off lights and sirens on approach.”
As Live Action News noted, “This is a common request from abortion facilities who don’t want to draw attention to the fact that an injury has occurred within their walls. However, it also slows down emergency responders, which can further put the injured woman at risk as she is delayed in getting the medical attention she needs.”
Traverse City
On October 27, 2023, a staffer at this Planned Parenthood facility in Traverse City, Michigan, called 911 requesting an ambulance for a woman who seemed to be having an allergic reaction. As heard in the call audio acquired by Operation Rescue, the employee spoke extremely vaguely about the patient’s condition, suggesting that she didn’t have access to the patient’s medical record and wasn’t prepared to tell the dispatcher the woman’s age.
The employee told the dispatcher, “We are requesting a silent approach and pull to the rear entrance, please.”
As Operation Rescue noted, “It is not known whether the EMS professionals honored the caller’s request for no sirens, but, if they did, their arrival would certainly have been delayed as the suffering woman awaited the critical advanced life support she needed.”
Shockingly, the Call for Service Detail Report obtained by Operation Rescue shows that Planned Parenthood called the incident “non-emergent,” although the Incident Report indicates that advanced life support (ALS) was administered to the patient. ALS is frequently administered to patients experiencing life-threatening emergencies, particularly cardiac-related emergencies.
Operation Rescue president Troy Newman stated, “This Planned Parenthood, and many other abortion businesses across the nation, care so little about their patients that they actually attempt to slow down the EMS professionals trained to provide emergency medical intervention for women who could be on the verge of dying.”
North Carolina
An employee at this Planned Parenthood facility in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, called 911 on October 19, 2023, for a 25-year-old woman who had developed hives “all over her body” and who had a dangerously low pulse rate and blood pressure – indicators of a severe type of allergic reaction called “anaphylaxis” – shortly before discharge.
The woman’s pulse was 144 and her blood pressure was at a low of 85/57. (Any blood pressure reading below 90/60 is low.) Anaphylaxis produces such a severe reaction in the body that the person often goes into shock. Operation Rescue, quoting the Mayo Clinic, explains: “‘Blood pressure drops suddenly and the airways narrow, blocking breathing.’ If not treated right away, anaphylaxis can quickly become fatal.”
The Planned Parenthood staffer then requested that the ambulance’s lights be turned off. The EMS dispatch disregarded this dangerous request, as heard in the EMS dispatch audio clip obtained by Operation Rescue, and the ambulance arrived at the scene of the emergency with its light turned on.
Planned Parenthood Chapel Hill has a history of injuring women and dangerously requesting ambulances without lights.
Planned Parenthood masquerades as a reputable health organization, yet these 911 Planned Parenthood call records strongly suggests that Planned Parenthood endangers women by prioritizing secrecy over patients’ health and well-being. The above summaries are mere samples of the documentation Live Action News has gathered on Planned Parenthood emergency calls.