Planned Parenthood announced this week that it plans to spend at least $45 million on helping to elect pro-abortion candidates in 2020. For the 2016 election, the abortion corporation spent $30 million in their failed attempt to help Hilary Clinton win the presidency.
Kelley Robinson, executive director of the superPAC Planned Parenthood Votes, told NHPR that abortion advocates are ready to fight back against what she refers to as a “coordinated level of attack” from pro-lifers. Pro-life activists have been working diligently to enforce laws to protect the lives of preborn children around the nation and assist their mothers in choosing life.
Since the 2016 election of President Donald Trump, pro-lifers have seen major wins, including the expansion of the Mexico City Policy which prevents federal funds from supporting pro-abortion groups overseas. There has also been an uptick in pro-life laws around the country, and Planned Parenthood recently opted out of the Title X program that provides money to family planning organizations. The Trump administration’s new rule that organizations who receive funds from Title X are not to commit or refer for abortions was too much for Planned Parenthood to agree to.
The top priority for Planned Parenthood regarding the 2020 election, according to Robinson, is to unseat President Trump. The abortion corporation also seeks to help pro-choice Democrats take over the U.S. Senate as they helped pro-choice Democrats take over the U.S. House in 2016. Planned Parenthood also hopes to promote pro-abortion candidates in state-level elections.
Planned Parenthood will focus the $45 million on nine battleground states: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin using digital ads, television, and radio as well as direct mail and voter canvassing.
As reported by CNN, Live Action president Lila Rose says that Planned Parenthood’s $45 million effort is simply a way to ensure they gain back the funding they have lost during the Trump presidency as well as the money they have missed out on in states where abortion has been largely restricted.
BREAKING: Planned Parenthood's super PAC has announced a $45 million spend to defeat President Trump & pro-life candidates.
Planned Parenthood’s top priority: Protect & expand the killing of 300,000+ innocent children every year.
The abortion chain must be defunded & shut down.
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) October 9, 2019
The corporation receives over $500 million in taxpayer dollars each year, and when they fired president Leana Wen because she wanted to make Planned Parenthood about healthcare and not abortion, they proved that the abortion corporation cares more about profit than patients. This is a “ruthless prioritization of politics and their bottom line over women’s health care,” said Rose.
While this is Planned Parenthood’s “largest electoral effort yet,” Robinson wants to raise even more funds to elect pro-choice politicians because the “stakes are higher than ever, and our donors and our supporters understand that very clearly.” The stakes are high for Planned Parenthood in the political realm. If they give politicians money and those politicians don’t win, then there will be fewer people in the government willing to return the monetary favor at the cost of innocent human lives.
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