They are quick to brush aside such an incredible story as Melissa’s as merely a hoax, because they’re forced to realize that in order to defend the so-called right to abortion, they would have to be content in looking at people like Melissa in the face and saying “you don’t have a right to be alive.”
Few of even the staunchest of pro-abortion rights advocates would feel so confident.
They’ll deny, justify, and mock Melissa’s survival, all in the name of defending “choice,” and their putrid arrogance is nothing short of astounding.
First, Planned Parenthood supporters try to deny Melissa’s surviving a violent attempt on her life. On four separate occasions in the span of an hour, Melissa’s testimony is called “bullsh—.” (If that’s not indicative that these Planned Parenthood supporters are threatened by her story, I don’t know what is.)
They also try to fervently deny Melissa’s story.
“I’m more than sure a fetus can’t breathe through its nose and mouth,” one pro-abortion rights Planned Parenthood advocate writes.
“Did they really just say you can breathe in the womb on your own? Lmao[,]” another Planned Parenthood advocate agrees.
“I could make a video about how I survived cancer because I found the cure in my cat’s litter box. Doesn’t make it true,” writes another Planned Parenthood supporter. (Hey, high five for making fun of an abortion survivor and cancer victims in one breath!)
Will someone please throw an embryology textbook at these Planned Parenthood ralliers? These are weak, futile attempts (from clearly weak-minded people) to refute the fact that Melissa breathed saline solution into her lungs while she was in utero during the abortion that intended to end her life. A preborn child begins to practice breathing eight weeks after conception. The child inhales amniotic fluid during a saline abortion. That’s why it burns the baby inside and out before he or she is delivered, dead, if the abortion is “successful.” Is it too difficult or too inconvenient to do a quick Google search to figure that out?
The portion of Melissa’s medical records (which are readily available and open on her website) explain that a “saline infusion for an abortion was done but unsuccessful[,]” which resulted in her birth. Denying a fact over and over doesn’t make it any less of one. It just makes the deniers look like dense, ignorant fools.
Second, a Planned Parenthood supporter tries to justify aborting Melissa: “I would just like to point out… she never mentions WHY her mother decided to abort her. How does she know it wasn’t for a medical reason?”
Does it really matter why Melissa was aborted? Clearly, she was viable – how in the world is aborting a viable baby justified, even in the case of a medical emergency? If a pregnancy is life-threatening and must end, how is going in and intentionally killing the baby preferable to or even justified over trying to save the baby, too?
Third, they make a mockery of Melissa’s survival.
“Hmm. I can watch the ending of the Golden Girls or [Melissa’s] video. Decisions. Decisions. *ponders briefly* Golden Girls!” a Planned Parenthood supporter writes.
“She’s maaaaaaaaaaagical,” another says.
“Wow this personal story is so irrelevant,” another remarks. “The goal of abortion is merely to remove the fetus if it survived it’s just a bonus.”
What pathetic commentary from a pathetic group of individuals. Resorting to a demeanor of a third-grader throwing insults at someone when he realizes he’s just lost a game. We can’t expect much else from these people, though.
When pro-abortion rights advocates and Planned Parenthood supporters see the face of the “choice” they so eagerly defend, they succumb to juvenile, pitiful retorts. Is that at all surprising, though?
Planned Parenthood’s advocacy – and its very existence – is telling abortion survivors like Melissa, “You have no right to be alive.”