Tax dollars are being sent to locations that house Planned Parenthood abortion facilities under the federal family planning program known as Title X. Under the guise of simply providing health care, Planned Parenthood uses Title X funds — citizens’ tax dollars — to fund staff and facilities where abortions are also committed. Doing clinical breast exams, Pap smears, and STD testing in the same building where abortions take place enable Planned Parenthood to maximize its use of government funding to also cover its abortion expenses, thus forcing taxpayers to fund the abortion chain’s violent and ill-supported activities.
A 2011 report published in the pro-abortion journal “Contraception” noted that:
- Title X helps to support staff salaries, not just for clinicians but for front-desk staff, educators and finance and administrative staff.
- Title X provides for individual patient education as well as community-level outreach and public education about family planning and women’s health issues.
- Title X also helps to support the infrastructure necessary to keep the doors open — subsidizing rent, utilities and infrastructure needs like health information technology.
A document published by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) reveals that recipients of Title X dollars can, in fact be abortion facilities, despite the claim that the abortions are “separate”:
In 2015, the Guttmacher Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of publicly funded family planning clinics. Respondents included 535 clinics that received Title X funds. Based on that survey, an estimated 10% of clinics that received any Title X funding reported offering abortions separately from their Title X project.
In 2004, following appropriations conference report directions, HHS surveyed its Title X grantees on whether their clinic sites also provided abortions with nonfederal funds. Grantees were informed that responses were voluntary and “without consequence, or threat of consequence, to non-responsiveness.” The survey did not request any identifying information. HHS mailed surveys to 86 grantees and received 46 responses. Of these, 9 indicated that at least one of their clinic sites (17 clinic sites in all) also provided abortions with nonfederal funds…
In fact, Title X requirements clearly show that abortion facilities can be recipients of Title X funds, under the requirements:
Certain kinds of shared facilities are permissible, so long as it is possible to distinguish between the Title X supported activities and non-Title X abortion-related activities:
(a) A common waiting room is permissible, as long as the costs properly pro-rated;
An analysis of the June 2017 Title X Family Planning Directory of Grantees reveals that government dollars are being sent to Planned Parenthood administration offices and affiliate headquarters, some of which are located ironically at the same addresses as abortion facilities.
The list of grantees under Title X shows that eleven Planned Parenthood affiliates receive direct funding:
1). Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, Inc., identified in the directory as located at 345 Whitney Ave., New Haven, CT 06511. A closer look at that location shows both an abortion facility and the Connecticut Administrative Office, which also advertises abortions online.

Planned Parenthood New Haven, CT
2). Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts is listed at 1055 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02215. That address contains both an abortion facility as well as administrative headquarters which advertise abortions.

Planned Parenthood Boston, MA
3). Planned Parenthood of Northern New England’s Vermont administration offices, which advertise abortions at select sites is listed in the directory at 784 Hercules Dr., Suite 110, Colchester, VT 05446.
4). Planned Parenthood Assoc. of Utah is listed in the directory at 654 South 900 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84102. This location houses a facility which advertises abortion referrals as well as an administration office that advertises abortions.

Planned Parenthood Utah
5). Planned Parenthood of Illinois is listed in the directly at 18 S. Michigan Ave, 6th Floor, Chicago, IL 60603 and houses the administrative headquarters, which advertises abortion online. Also shown at this address is a facility that performs abortions.
6). Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota’s administrative headquarters, which advertises abortions online is shown in the directory at the same location — 671 Vandalia St., St. Paul, MN 55114 — as a facility which commits abortions.
7). Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio’s administrative headquarters is listed in the directory at 206 E. State St., Columbus, OH 43215. The same address advertises online that it also stands ready to commit abortions.
8). Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, Inc., listed in the directory at 302 Jackson St. N, Milwaukee, WI 53202, contains an abortion facility which advertises abortion as the only “service” they provide. And, the Administrative Offices and Headquarters also located at that address advertises abortions on its website.
9). Planned Parenthood South Atlantic Headquarters — 100 South Boylan Ave., Raleigh, NC 27603 — contains a facility that advertises both abortion referrals and the affiliate’s headquarters, which also advertises that it offers abortions.
10). Planned Parenthood of the Columbia/Willamette is listed in the directory at 3727 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. NE, Portland, OR 97221. This address is also the location of an abortion facility as well as the affiliate’s headquarters, which advertises abortions.

Abortions at PPCW
11). Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands is listed in the directory at 2001 E. Madison St., Seattle, WA 98122. This address is the location of an abortion facility in addition to address for the Washington administration offices.

A response given to a woman who called PP St Paul MN. Watch the video here.
Title X dollars originally sent to the states or to other grantees — instead of directly to Planned Parenthood affiliates — are funding additional Planned Parenthood locations that commit abortions. Live Action’s Abortion Corporation investigative series documents this reality further. Live Action investigators called several Planned Parenthood facilities that perform abortions and also receive Title X funds through state programs.
A sample of those calls is summarized below:
- The Corning, NY, Planned Parenthood (listed as a Title X-funded facility in the state’s 2016 directory) told Live Action’s investigator that the only option they offer pregnant women is abortion: “We tell you you’re pregnant, and then we offer at Planned Parenthood to do the abortions.”
- The Brooklyn Park, MN, center made it clear to Live Action’s investigator that it offers only “pregnancy tests and then abortion care,” despite being listed in the state’s directory of Title X-funded centers.
- The Title X-funded Planned Parenthood facility in St. Paul, MN, states on their website that it has “trained staff to discuss your options with you if you are pregnant.” But when a Live Action investigator asked what kind of services are offered there for pregnant women “who want to continue with the pregnancy,” the Planned Parenthood staffer responded that, for those women, “we don’t offer services.”
- Planned Parenthood’s Eugene-Springfield, OR, center told a Live Action investigator, “We do abortions here…” This Planned Parenthood facility is also a Title X-funded center, according to a 2017 state directory published online.
Sending tax dollars to abortion facilities like Planned Parenthood — and thus funding abortion through the back door — has many Americans demanding that Congress step in to defund Planned Parenthood. But, there are additional concerns with Planned Parenthood receiving these funds. As Live Action News has reported, Planned Parenthood’s ongoing history in failing to report suspected child abuse should be reason enough to pull Title X funds immediately. A detailed explanation can be found here.
Every year, Planned Parenthood receives over half a billion dollars in government funding. Each day that tax dollars continue to flow to the abortion corporation, Planned Parenthood receives $1.5 million of our hard-earned money and violently ends the lives of 900 precious preborn children. As state and federal lawmakers consider funding Planned Parenthood, they should keep in mind that programs like Title X allow tax dollars to directly assist in keeping Planned Parenthood’s abortion facilities open and staffed.
It’s time to stop helping Planned Parenthood commit abortions with our own money.