In today’s culture, the word “temperance” is likely to conjure up images of monochromatic clothing, stern Sunday schoolmarms, or puritanical attempts by society to curb alcohol consumption. For many, these are hardly images that lend the word a welcome connotation.
In reality, though, temperance, strictly defined, is “a habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites or passions.” Or, simply put, “restraint.”
Unfortunately, we live in a society in which temperance is virtually unheard of and that believes that the passions are meant to be indulged. It’s no wonder this attitude translates into the arena in which children as young as kindergarten are indoctrinated into sexual activity while abortion is presented as the “out” from any consequences. Planned Parenthood – the nation’s largest abortion provider – even has guidelines for implementing sex education in schools. Nothing like encouraging children towards sexual activity and then pointing them directly to the abortion clinic.
Think about it, though. In what areas does our society not believe that “giving in” is the way to go? We want to look fit but not give up junk food, so we find artificial sugar and fat substitutes that allow us to indulge. Our physical health suffers for it, of course, but hey, we look good. So it must be okay.
We want the fulfillment of a relationship but not the discipline of marriage, so we divorce (or cheat on) our spouses and find someone else, offering the excuse that we’re just “following our hearts.” Our emotional health suffers for it, of course, but hey, we look happy. So it must be okay. We want to have nice things but not discipline ourselves to save for them. So we rack up thousands of dollars of debt. Our financial health suffers for it, but hey, we look “set.” So it must be okay.
Is it any wonder, then, that “self” has become the object of obeisance for Planned Parenthood and the pro-abortion movement in general? Sleep with whomever you want; use protection, and get rid of any “unwanted pregnancy.” Of course, the emotional, psychological, and often physical health of women and young girls suffers for it (not to mention the life of the baby), but hey, women look liberated. So it must be okay.
But in reality, it’s not okay. Planned Parenthood claims to be in favor of reducing the number of abortions – even so far as calling itself a leader in reducing the need for abortions. Yet as long as Planned Parenthood keeps leading kids to the bedroom under the guise of “education” and then driving them to the abortion clinic under the guise of “choice,” their actions decry their claim.
Sure, temperance is considered a bad word today – good heavens, who even knows anymore what it means? But there’s a reason it’s a virtue (another unknown word). And if PPFA really wanted to reduce the number of abortions, they would increase talk of temperance.
But I’m not holding my breath.