Planned Parenthood is the best deceiver of young people since the evil queen tempted Snow White with that poisoned apple. They have already been successful at reeling in young people with empty promises of carefree, no consequence sex. Now they want students to tell them when, where, and with whom sex is happening at the exact moment it occurs.
Everywhere you look these days, products and advertisements feature QR codes, which can be scanned with smartphones to visit a web site, get a coupon, or learn more information. Now a QR code has been featured on the wrappers of 55,000 condoms handed out to college students by Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest.
When the codes are scanned, users can check in with Planned Parenthood–and the rest of the world–with information including their age, their location, why they use condoms, the status of their relationship or lack of a relationship, and whether or not they had sex in a bed or a kitchen, at a beach or a party. Plus, they can rate the sex from “Things can only improve from here” to “Ah-maz-ing”. But they don’t even need a smartphone or a condom. They can just head to and tell the world about the sex they just had – which the world can tweet about if they wish.
Planned Parenthood says the codes were created to help promote safe sex, but states that despite using a condom, half of us will get an STD at some point in our lives. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control, latex condoms only provide limited protection against syphilis and herpes simplex virus-2 transmission. Planned Parenthood also says that condoms are 98% effective in preventing pregnancy, leaving out the fact that according to the American Pregnancy Association, 14-15 of every 100 condom users face an unplanned pregnancy each year due to incorrect or inconsistent use. That’s an effectiveness rate of only 85%.
Planned Parenthood has worked hard to turn sex into a game by taking advantage of the impulsiveness and poor decision making of young people, and this is just another step in their attempt to misguide the youth of our society and benefit financially off their regrets. Now that Planned Parenthood has erroneously convinced our youth of the supposed safety of “safe sex”, they are persuading students to report back about the once private act so Planned Parenthood can use the personal information as a marketing tool.
Planned Parenthood says they aren’t encouraging youth to have sex, but at the same exact time, they are providing a map that seems to cry out, “Look, everyone else is doing it!” So between convincing teens it’s safe and popular, and handing out free condoms only to earn back the money in abortions (it’s 51% of their income no matter what they say), Planned Parenthood is really an evil marketing genius. Planned Parenthood wants kids to think sex is no big deal. But we know it is.
“I didn’t want the responsibility, I wanted the sex. And so the easy way out was abortion. That’s what I thought. Just pay $300 and the problem goes away…. I thought if you just wanted to have sex just do it, what’s the big deal? I didn’t realize how important sex was – that people die from sex, that people are born from sex, that hearts are broken and kingdoms fall to the ground as the result of sexual immorality. I didn’t know any of that – all I knew was what I wanted.” -Former Broadway star and post-abortive father David MacDonald
Young people don’t think about consequences. It is up to the adults of the world to teach them proper behavior. But when those adults walk around handing out free condoms, it sends the message that we can just do whatever we want, and no one will suffer for it. The problem is, as adults, we know that’s a complete lie. Over 50 million babies in the U.S. have already paid with their lives. Planned Parenthood is quite obviously a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and they’ve proved it with this new attempt to make casual sex seem cool and worry-free.