Undercover footage from a Utah school district shows administrative officials boasting about the agenda foisted upon students — including the presence of Planned Parenthood staff in the classrooms — all without parents’ knowledge or consent.
Accuracy in Media released footage recently with Utah public school officials discussing how they manage to get controversial information in front of students without parents knowing. That includes information and advice directly from Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion chain.
Katie Ieremia, Director of Professional Development of Salt Lake City Schools, explained that the schools use a Planned Parenthood curriculum and that Planned Parenthood sends staffers into the schools to talk to students. Parents appear not to be directly informed about it, though Ieremia claims the information is on the website.
“We have a very close relationship with, like, Planned Parenthood, and they come speak in our district all the time,” she said. “So that’s different from the other places you’ve talked to. Other places are like, ‘Planned Parenthood, don’t have them!'”
She then continued by explaining how they use Planned Parenthood resources without directly informing parents.
“In our district, we definitely do, and they have… I mean, they guest speak. Not just do they have curriculum in our classrooms, but the Planned Parenthood people come in and speak in our high schools and in our junior highs and things like that,” she said.
When asked whether parents are notified of this, she responded, “No. No, we don’t do that. But they, you know, it’s all published on our website, and like, all the resources that we use and that kind of thing. So, anybody can look at any time and see what we’re using or what those options are… ”
The undercover investigator said, “Yeah, but thankfully, normally, they don’t actually look.”
“No, not usually,” Ieremia responded. However, a search on the Salt Lake City School District website for the phrase “Planned Parenthood” did not show any results.
“Well, credit to that district for not entirely hiding the fact that they’re working with Planned Parenthood,” Adam Guilette, president of Accuracy in Media, remarked. “But how vigilant should parents have to be in order to make sure their children are being educated, rather than indoctrinated?”
Planned Parenthood was the subject of a Live Action investigation on sex ed, and what was found was disturbing — especially considering how frequently Planned Parenthood is involved with children. Children were given dangerous advice by so-called Planned Parenthood counselors, and were encouraged to experiment with BDSM and role-play. Children were told that whipping, choking, asphyxiation, violent torture sex, and use of horsewhips, clamps, and ropes during sex are normal and healthy behaviors, even if it results in injury. The “counselors” also gave girls advice on how to work their way into having anal sex.
Yet parents in these schools may have no idea that Planned Parenthood could be spreading this kind of damaging information to their children under the guise of “education.”