Planned Parenthood’s latest 2020-2021 report reveals that the corporation is far from the vital women’s health care organization it purports to be. As the organization’s actual health care services decline in numbers, abortions continue to climb. To date, Planned Parenthood has ended the lives of nearly 200 babies for every one adoption referral, and commits 43 abortions for every prenatal care service it provides.
In just the past decade (2010-2020), Planned Parenthood committed over 3.7 million abortions and, as a single organization, now commits over 41% of the nation’s abortions.
- Planned Parenthood’s total clients dropped by 10% from 2019 to 2020. At the same time, the corporation’s abortions climbed to record heights, increasing over 8% from the previous year.
- Even if every PP client of reproductive age were female (which is not the case), the corporation would serve only an estimated maximum of 3% of those women.
- Planned Parenthood provides an estimated 1% or less of prenatal care services in the U.S.
- Planned Parenthood’s abortion to adoption referral ratio is 200 to 1.
- Planned Parenthood still provides just 1% or less of breast exams and Pap tests, and less than 2% of all cancer screenings in the U.S. (and finally admits it only refers for mammograms).
![Image: Planned Parenthood past decade: abortions, market share. Gov dollars. excess revenue (2000 to 2020-2021 AR)](
Planned Parenthood past decade: abortions, market share. Gov dollars. excess revenue (2000 to 2020-2021 AR)
Planned Parenthood clients are less than an estimated 3% of women of reproductive age
Planned Parenthood has been propped up as a “women’s health” organization, yet the percentage of women it serves is extremely small. For the past several years, (2015, 2016 , 2017 in 2018, and again in 2019) Planned Parenthood has served 2.4 million clients per year. But now, according to its most recent annual report for 2020-21:
- Planned Parenthood clients have decreased by 240,000 — dropping nearly 10% — to just 2.16 million clients.
- In the past decade, Planned Parenthood’s clients have declined 30% from the 3 million it claimed to serve in 2010 and nearly 35% since 1996-1997 (when it says it served 3.3 million clients).
In past reports, Planned Parenthood, which has a history of failing to protect client privacy, has given a glimpse of the number of its male versus female clients; however, Planned Parenthood’s latest report failed to separate clients by gender.
According to estimates, in 2020 there were 64,543,832 women of reproductive age (15-44) in the United States — and even if we assumed (incorrectly) that all 2.16 million Planned Parenthood clients were female, this would mean that Planned Parenthood only served 3% of the female population of reproductive age of the U.S.
Planned Parenthood offers less than 1% of estimated national prenatal care services
Prenatal care has been on the decline at Planned Parenthood even as its abortion numbers continue to increase year after year. In fact, a 2020 survey of all U.S. abortion businesses (not just Planned Parenthood) revealed that just 18% offered any kind of prenatal and/or obstetric care.
Planned Parenthood’s website specifies that only some of its facilities offer any prenatal care. “There are lots of places to go for pregnancy care. Some clinics and Planned Parenthood health centers can give you low-cost or free prenatal care,” it states. Undercover investigations conducted by Live Action have revealed that prenatal care is not just difficult to find at Planned Parenthood facilities, but practically nonexistent. Even the workers themselves seemed baffled that anyone would call asking for prenatal services, which were advertised at the time on Planned Parenthood’s own website and later scrubbed.
In 2020, while prenatal care at Planned Parenthood increased just 2% (from 8,626 in 2019 to 8,775 in 2020), the service has decreased drastically in the past decade, falling nearly 72% from 31,098 prenatal services reported in 2010.
Over the two decade span from 2000 to 2020, Planned Parenthood committed nearly 6.4 million abortions while offering pregnant women just over 303,000 prenatal care services — again, that’s over the span of 20 years. To put it in perspective, Planned Parenthood has committed about the same number of abortions every year that it offered in prenatal care services over two decades combined.
In addition, according to a 2018 analysis by National Ambulatory Medical Care, there were 19.38 million prenatal visits in the U.S. in a year, which means that Planned Parenthood likely offers less than 1 percent of prenatal care services nationwide.
Nearly 200 abortions for every one adoption referral
Planned Parenthood’s adoption referrals decreased over 27% in a year, dropping from 2,667 in 2019 to 1,940 in 2000. These adoption referrals have fallen over 60% from a high of 4,912 in 2007. What this shows is that Planned Parenthood kills nearly 200 preborn babies for every one adoption referral.
It should be noted that what constitutes “prenatal care” and “adoption referrals” at Planned Parenthood is not disclosed. See below for more from former PP facility manager, the late Sue Thayer:
Planned Parenthood likely provides just 1% of national breast exams
Planned Parenthood’s “women’s services” include breast exams — but, as of the writing of this article, Planned Parenthood’s website clarifies that the corporation will only refer for mammograms. (Despite years of media narrative and deception by Planned Parenthood, the pro-life movement has long noted that Planned Parenthood does not perform mammograms.)
PP’s 2020-2021 annual report shows that breast exams are on the decrease:
- In 2020, PP recorded a total of 173,653 breast care services, down nearly 36% from the 269,669 services they provided in 2019.
- In the past decade, breast exams at Planned Parenthood decreased nearly 77%, from 747,607 in 2010 to 173,653 in 2020.
- In addition, breast care services dropped 84% from the 1,086,654 they provided in 2000.
Live Action News was unable to locate current data on the number of clinical breast exams performed nationally, however previous data provided by states that “Physicians and nurses perform clinical breast exams on an estimated 20 million U.S. women each year.”
This figure could indicate that PP performs just 1% of breast exams nationally.
Planned Parenthood provides less than 1% of U.S. pap tests
Pap tests at Planned Parenthood have decreased over 27%, dropping from 272,990 in 2019 to 198,102 in 2020.
- In the past decade, pap tests at Planned Parenthood have decreased over 74%, dropping from 769,769 in 2010 to 198,102 in 2020.
- They have decreased over 83% from a high of 1,183,692 in 2004.
According to a 2019 report published by the CDC, 66% of women aged 18 and over obtained a pap test within the past three years. We estimate over 28 million pap tests were conducted, proving that Planned Parenthood provided less than one percent of all U.S. pap tests.
- 128,026,692 (females 18 and older in 2020) x 66% (84,497,617)/ by three years = (28,165,872)
- PP’s share is 198,102/28,165,872 = .0007 x100 = .07% – less than one percent.
Planned Parenthood cancer screenings for women estimated at less than 2% nationally
Total cancer screenings at Planned Parenthood decreased over 30% in just a year, dropping from 598,852 in 2019 to 416,956 in 2020.
- In the past decade, total cancer screenings decreased nearly 74% dropping from 1,596,741 in 2010 to 416,956 in 2020.
- They fell nearly 81% from a high of 2,157,849 in 2004.
Cancer screenings for women at Planned Parenthood are estimated to make up less than two percent nationally (pap tests + breast care).
Miscarriage care and well-woman services
“Miscarriage care” is a relatively new service category for Planned Parenthood, and the latest report indicates that it increased over 32% from 2,110 in 2019 to 2,793 in 2000.
Planned Parenthood’s website defines miscarriage as “when an embryo or fetus dies before the 20th week of pregnancy.” It goes on to state that, “Treatments for miscarriage include medicines or procedures that are very similar to those used for abortion.” Notice that abortion is NOT listed as a treatment for miscarriage by Planned Parenthood.
Given that the abortion pill now makes up a majority (54%) of all abortions and Planned Parenthood sells the deadly pill past the approved FDA limit, when failure rates increase, it is likely that some of these services involve surgically completing an abortion when the abortion pill fails to do the job completely.
Live Action News has previously documented the effort to conflate abortion with miscarriage, and also previously reported how the abortion lobby is advising women who self-abort and experience complications to present to the ER claiming to have had a natural miscarriage. It is interesting, then, that Planned Parenthood has added categories like miscarriage care and miscarriage management to its list of “services.”
Well women exams decreased 39% in one year, dropping from 208,248 in 2019 to 127,095 in 2020, down 46% from a high of 235,355 in 2016. Pregnancy tests also decreased over 14%, dropping from 1,108,436 in 2019 to 949,271 in 2020.
In addition, Planned Parenthood’s total of “other reproductive health services” which includes well-women exams, pregnancy tests, prenatal care, and miscarriage care, also decreased 18% from a high of 1,327,420 in 2019 to 1,087,934 in 2020.
Other services
- PP’s total services decreased nearly 17%, dropping from 10,374,069 in 2019 to 8,649,078 in 2020 and falling 24% from 11,383,900 total services recorded in 2009.
- Total STI testing and treatment services decreased over 18%, dropping from 5,434,446 in 2019 when Planned Parenthood recorded its highest number in years, to 4,448,976 in 2020.
- Total contraceptive services also decreased nearly 15%, dropping from 2,565,910 in 2019 to 2,193,205 in 2020. The service also fell nearly 41% in the past decade (when PP recorded 3,685,437 contraceptive services in 2010). In addition, contraceptive services have decreased over 45% from the 4,009,549 reported in 2009.
![Image: Planned Parenthood clients, total services, and facilities (2000 to 2020-2021 AR)](
Planned Parenthood clients, total services, and facilities (2000 to 2020-2021 AR)
Transgender services
Planned Parenthood has begun to diversify its services by offering lucrative “gender affirming care” which has been placed under the category of “other procedures” on the 2020-2021 annual report. That category includes “WIC services [which would be referrals]… pediatric care, transgender services, other adult preventive care, and high complexity visits, including infertility services.”
Live Action News previously reported an increase of nearly 83% (from 9,738 in 2018 to 17,791 in 2019-2020) for this category with the bump likely due to PP’s increased marketing of transgender services. However, the latest report showed a slight decrease of nearly 11% in the “other procedures” category, dropping from 17,791 in 2019 to 15,902 in 2020.
According to Abigail Shrier, transgender services are a growing business at the abortion giant. In a blog post, Shrier claimed a Planned Parenthood employee told her, “trans-identifying kids are cash cows, and they are kept on the hook for the foreseeable future in terms of follow-up appointments, bloodwork, meetings, etc., whereas abortions are (hopefully) a one-and-done situation.”
Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, a eugenicist and white supremacist who, after more than 100 years, was finally denounced by PP’s leaders who were forced to acknowledged the organization’s modern-day “systemic racism” problems.
But, since abortion is forever tethered to eugenics, Sanger’s eugenic goals and ideals continue to remain alive and well within Planned Parenthood.
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