Lily Adams recently worked as deputy communications director for the Democratic National Committee and has been an Iowa press secretary for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign since last spring.
She is also the eldest daughter of Planned Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards – who once worked for Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) – and Kirk Adams, International Executive Vice President of Service Employees International Union (SEIU), which is known for supporting Planned Parenthood and for being one of the strongest financial contributors to Democratic candidates. Adams is also granddaughter of the late Governor Ann Richards (D-TX).
But Adams’ ties to the scandal-ridden abortion organization and Democratic politics aren’t merely by blood. Adams changed her Facebook profile picture to show support for Planned Parenthood on July 29th, and on her Twitter account, she proudly and professionally curates support for Hillary Clinton and liberal causes.

Cecile Richards and daughter Lily Adams (via
“I think I decided to do politics was when I was a page in the House of Representatives and sort of got a front row seat to government,” Adams explained in a mother-daughter interview with Elle Magazine in January 2014. “Lily is blessed with all the right genetic material and she’s rich with DNA [for it],” Richards added. “I will say one of the funniest things now is to get an email from Lily, and her role at the DNC, talking about the very issues that I work on everyday—Planned Parenthood or women’s rights. That’s pretty gratifying. I have friends around the country who will forward me an email from Lily Adams saying, ‘Is this your daughter?'”
In December 2013, Adams sent out a DNC e-mail (since removed from the DNC website) calling upon fellow Democrats to petition the Republican National Committee to “stop enabling Rush Limbaugh and those like him whose rhetoric encourages or condones sexual harassment.” The rhetoric Adams had in mind was Limbaugh’s joke regarding liberals being offended by men staring at women’s breasts.
If the DNC found a joke about men noticing women’s figures to be dehumanization worth fundraising against, you might logically conclude they’d be similarly outraged at babies’ bodies being collected and sold piece by piece.
Not so, however, and the symbiotic relationship of most Democratic politics and Planned Parenthood is obvious. For now, Clinton is Planned Parenthood’s electoral priority, keeping a revolving door in motion.

Cecile Richards and Hillary Clinton
With Clinton as Secretary of State, Planned Parenthood and its international affiliates successfully lobbied for $128 million in grants from USAID – which is in addition to the $500+ million in federal funding that Planned Parenthood already receives. Returning the favor, Planned Parenthood has given thousands of dollars to Clinton’s various political campaigns and several of their employees have gone on to work for Clinton, including Adams’ Iowa colleague Jill June, former president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of the Heartland.
In 2009, Planned Parenthood gave Clinton their Margaret Sanger Award, which is their “highest honor.”