
Planned Parenthood’s “Green Choices” initiative fails to inform women of toxic risks

Planned Parenthood’s Green Choices initiative misses the boat in a pretty big way. The abortion giant’s website states:

Planned Parenthood Green Choices supports the creation of a sustainable world by helping you make choices for better health and a greener environment – for you, your family, and your community.

Sounds like a reasonable idea, right? Well, as is so common with Planned Parenthood, this reasonable idea has become rather deceptive. Nowhere in the online information about toxic chemicals and personal care products does Planned Parenthood mention the very toxic (and sometimes fatal) risks associated with some popular forms of birth control.

No, when it comes to these toxic risks, Planned Parenthood is happy to pass them on to unsuspecting women. Under the guise of informing women of bad chemicals and harmful personal products, Planned Parenthood promotes some of the worst offenders.

The IARC Monographs (published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a part of the World Health Organization) classifies “estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives” as a group 1 carcinogen. Group 1 is the worst group a substance can be classified in, as there remains virtually no doubt that the chemical can cause cancer in humans. The American Cancer Society reports:

Only a little over 100 [substances] are classified as “carcinogenic to humans”.

birth-control-pillsThe most recent Report on Carcinogens, from the National Toxicology Program, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, also classifies several ingredients in various birth controls as dangerous to humans.

  • Norethisterone, found in the Mini-Pill and other forms of birth control, is “reasonable anticipated to be a human carcinogen.” (See page 333 of the report.)
  • Steroidal estrogens, (including Estrodiol) are)—“known to be human carcinogens,” and yet are a main ingredient in some birth control pills. (See page 184.)

The American Cancer Society’s list of carcinogens includes ingredients in various forms of birth control, and some birth control itself. There is truly no doubt that the chemicals used in many popular forms of birth control are toxic and dangerous to women. But is Planned Parenthood honest with women, providing them with the full, accurate truth? One can look no further than the Green Choices initiative to see that the answer is a resounding no.

Instead of informing women of the toxic properties of some popular birth control; instead of letting women know that the artificial properties of certain birth control can actually cause their death – Planned Parenthood has decided to help women discover which makeup products might be harmful to their skin. Though Planned Parenthood has absolutely nothing to do with makeup – and everything to do with birth control – the abortion giant fails women, once again, by failing to inform them of the risks they will encounter in Planned Parenthood’s own clinics.

Of course, if Planned Parenthood was genuine about helping women “make choices for better health” for them and their families, abortion itself would never be promoted, offered, and sold by the thousands. The toxic chemicals present in abortion pills are so deadly that they kill developing human beings. They can also present grave dangers to women. And yet, where does Planned Parenthood disclose the toxic risks of the very abortion pills they use and sell every day?

No, instead, they’d rather discuss pesticides used in your garden.

Editor’s Note: To read more about the toxic dangers of various birth controls, see the three-part series written by Dr. Faith Kuzma (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), this article on the Mirena IUD, and this expose on the Nuva Ring published by Vanity Fair.

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