Time and time again, we see that the abortion lobby has no interest in following the laws set by an individual state or country. Quite simply, the abortion industry believes that they are above the law. Earlier this week, Live Action covered the latest example of their lawless behavior, in which a pro-abortion group announced their plan to drop the abortion drug RU-486 into Poland via drone.
This weekend, the Dutch abortion advocacy group Women on Waves plans to deploy an unmanned aerial drone from Frankfurt, Germany to deliver abortifacient drugs into Slubice, Poland, the Washington Times reports.
The plan is meant to help abortion-seeking women defy Polish law, which prohibits abortion except for rape, incest, danger to the mother’s health, or severe fetal deformity. “We can’t stop pointing out the lack of safe access to abortion and medical abortion pills,” said Women on Waves leader Dr. Rebecca Gomperts. “It’s a violation of women’s rights. We have to make every effort to make sure they get that access.”
Despite the illegal nature of elective abortion in Poland, the organization claims its plan to deliver mifepristone and misoprostol to the Polish border town will not run afoul of the law: “As the Abortion drone weighs less than 5 kg, is not used for any commercial purposes, will stay within the sight of the person flying it and does not fly in controlled airspace, no authorization is required under Polish or German law” and “In Poland, a pregnant woman cannot be subjected to punishment for illegal abortion or for any other action leading to a miscarriage.”
Women on Waves claims that RU-486 can be administered without the oversight of a doctor, a claim which is dubious at best. While it is true that most of these abortions will likely not be life-threatening, that does not mean that RU-486 is without risks, or that it is an easy and painless experience.
The truth about RU-486 is that it can be an extremely painful, long process in which women bleed for hours upon hours on end. It is not abnormal for women to end up hospitalized, needing blood transfusions and surgery, and women have died because of this “safe” abortion method. This is why it is disingenuous to say that women should be encouraged to take these pills without the supervision of a doctor.
Also worth noting is how very little respect these abortion groups have for Poland’s laws. They don’t like that abortion is illegal, so they’re just going to literally thumb their noses at the country and do what they want anyway. Make no mistake: they will behave the same way if abortion is ever made illegal in the United States.
These extremists are so fanatical in their support for abortion that they do not care about breaking the law. To them, their unholy obsession with making sure that women kill their preborn children trumps everything else. It says a lot about the depths of their depravity that even breaking the law will not slow them down.
These groups pretend to be pro-woman, but this behavior shows that, as usual, their pro-abortion advocacy trumps any concern they have for women. They are perfectly willing to put women’s lives at risk in order to ensure that more abortions take place, without the supervision of a doctor. And while this illegal action could be brushed off as that of one extreme group, lawless behavior is endemic to the abortion industry.
Even “respected” organizations like Planned Parenthood consistently engage in illegal behavior, from covering up sex trafficking and sexual abuse of minors, to Medicaid fraud and medical malpractice. These organizations are not out to help women, and they do not respect any nation’s laws. How much will it take for these groups to be exposed as the dangerous, law-breaking frauds that they are?