A training key published by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) contains a transcript which proves just how comfortable sexual abusers are at using Planned Parenthood to hide their crimes.
Training keys are written by police experts and are described by the IACP as “concise, authoritative sources of law enforcement information, these six-page, loose-leaf monographs allow law enforcement officers to expand or sharpen their knowledge, skills and abilities on a broad variety of law enforcement practices and procedures.”
This particular Training Key is marked #574 and was published in 2004. It contains the transcript of a “pretext call” by a sexual abuse victim to the abuser (“Gerald”), beginning on page 4. The call was made on December 3, 2000, and the transcription was published in the Training Key by Detective Harold Eisenga of the San Diego, California, Police Department Sex Crimes Unit.

Police Training Key Sexual Abuse and Planned Parenthood
According to Eisenga, a pretext call is simply “a tape recorded telephone call between the victim and the subject. The call is usually initiated by the victim, under the supervision of a law enforcement officer…. The suspect is unaware that the call is being recorded….”
No copy of the audio was available, as Live Action News was told that “the San Diego Police Department has no responsive records.”
However, a reading of the published transcript reveals just how comfortable sexual predators are at using or recommending Planned Parenthood to cover their abuses. In the transcript of an actual pretext phone call used in a sexual assault investigation, the predator, going by the name “Gerald” and referred to as the “suspect,” tells the 15-year-old victim to go to Planned Parenthood to obtain the potentially abortifacient morning after pill:

Sexual predator coaches victim to go to Planned Parenthood
After the victim tells Gerald she missed her period, the suspect tells her to “go down to Planned Parenthood. And tell them the situation and they can give you something to take care of that if, in fact, you are.”
The victim tells the suspect that she has no money, and the suspect assures her she will not have to pay anything, and to ask Planned Parenthood for the morning after pill: “What they do… tell them you need the morning after pill and they’ll give it to you and you take what you have to take and it’ll induce your period. In other words, it’ll make you have your period. Within seven days.”

Sexual predator tells victim get morning after pill at Planned Parenthood
The suspect, Gerald, coaches the victim how to get around any parental consent issues: “But just go in there and you fill out paperwork and tell them you don’t have any insurance and you don’t want your parents to know about it and if they ask you where can they contact you at, you tell them to contact you on your pager. And then you tell them..fill out all the information…and then you tell them what the situation is, they’ll check you out. They’ll give you a pregnancy test and then just tell them you need the morning after pill. You take it like you’re supposed to and what it does is, it causes you to have your period.”
The “victim” then asks, “Well, um, so… you’re saying I should like have an abortion like.”
The predator responds, “Well, it’s not necessarily an abortion, but it just prevents you from, your body to accepting it, if, in fact, you are pregnant. It just prevents your body from accepting it.”
This is, indeed, how an abortifacient drug like the morning after pill works — by thwarting the implantation of a newly conceived human life.
Concerned about going alone at the age of 15, the suspect tries to assure the victim it will be okay by referencing another child with whom the suspect later admitted to having sex — a girl just 14 years old:

15 year old sexual abuse victim coached by predator to go to Planned Parenthood
“You can do it alone,” the suspect told her, “because when I told Ann, like, you know, Ann had the same problem when she went out with this one guy. A different Ann, not the Ann that Nadia knows, a different Ann. And uh, she had a problem, the same thing, and she thought she might have missed her period, but it was somewhat normal and you can miss your period for like a week or two.” He then told the victim that “Ann” was only 14 years old and she was able to obtain the morning after pill from Planned Parenthood, saying, “… so she went down and they gave her the morning after pill and she took it, like seven pills you have to take, and then you take it. And then what happens is it makes your body start having like your normal period.” He said, “there are several pills you take, they give you in a little packet, it doesn’t cost you anything. They ask for you to make a donation, but what you do is, you take it. And it starts making you like having your period. And you have them for like seven days.”

Predator coaches sexual abuse victim to go to Planned Parenthood
Toward the end of the call, the predator again reinforces that Planned Parenthood will “take care of it” and suggests the victim have an abortion if the morning after pill doesn’t work:

Predator coaches sexual abuse victim to get abortion at Planned Parenthood
The victim says she plans to visit Planned Parenthood and that she’ll let the abuser know either way, whether she’s pregnant or not. He replies, “Okay. And if you don’t want to have it, like you don’t want to keep it. Then uh, go down to Planned Parenthood and tell them, you know, if you are, in fact, and that pill thing doesn’t work…. If it doesn’t work and you want to have an abortion, go to Planned Parenthood and tell them you want to have an abortion and you can’t afford it and they’ll take care of it…. But let me know what’s going on either way. Okay?”
The full transcript (below) shows, yet again, how even those in law enforcement are aware that Planned Parenthood has become the “go-to” place for sexual abusers. Live Action News has produced several detailed reports, articles, and undercover investigations proving that Planned Parenthood will hide sexual abuse. Planned Parenthood receives half a billion in federal and state tax dollars every year, yet Congress has failed to defund Planned Parenthood despite their serious and ongoing cover-ups of sexual abuse.
Live Action founder and president Lila Rose stated in a press release:
Despite Planned Parenthood’s public rhetoric as well as laws requiring it to report suspected abuse, its failure to report has been deliberate and widespread. Time and again, rather than reporting abuse to authorities, Planned Parenthood has repeatedly looked the other way and performed abortions on victims as young as 12 years old. These girls deserved advocacy but instead Planned Parenthood staff ignored their abuse and returned them to the waiting arms of their abusers.
Because of flagrant violations like these, the proposed Title X rule tightening on reporting abuse is absolutely necessary. Planned Parenthood has proven that its priority is selling abortions, not caring for the most vulnerable of girls. Planned Parenthood’s culture of cover-up must end, the cycle of abuse of innocent children must end, and Planned Parenthood’s half a billion dollars in annual federal funding must end. Taxpayers cannot be forced to subsidize these abuses of children.
Full Transcript
Today’s date is December 3, 2000, time is 1630 hours. I am with
[victim’s name] and we will be attempting a pre-text phone call to
[suspect’s name].
V:denotes victim
S:denotes suspect
S:Did somebody page?
S:What up?
V:How are you?
S:Um. Fine. Getting ready to go to work.
V:Oh, you are? Can you talk for like a few seconds or minutes?
V:Um, you know how you didn’t use a condom?
V:Um. I’m like worried cause I was supposed to like start my period like last weekend.
S:Well then you go down to Planned Parenthood. And tell them the situation and they can give you something to take care of that if, in fact, you are.
V:Well. I don’t like have any money.
S:It doesn’t cost you anything
V:Oh, it doesn’t?
V:Well, what should I do if I am?
S:You tell them the situation.
S:What they do…tell them you need the morning after pill and they’ll give it to you and you take what you have to take and it’ll induce your period. In other words, it’ll make you have your period. Within seven days.
S:But just go in there and you fill out paperwork and tell them you don’t have any insurance and you don’t want your parents to know about it and if they ask you where can they contact you at, you tell them to contact you on your pager. And then you tell them..fill out all the information…and then you tell them what the situation is, they’ll
check you out. They’ll give you a pregnancy test and then just tell them you need the morning after pill. You take it like you’re supposed to and what it does is, it causes you to have your period.
V:Well, um, so…you’re saying I should like have an abortion like.
S:Well, it’s not necessarily an abortion, but it just prevents you from, your body to accepting it, if, in fact, you are pregnant. It just prevents your body from accepting it.
V:Well, could I go like do that alone? Cause you know I’m only 15 and so…
S:You can do it alone because when I told Ann, like, you know, Ann had the same problem when she went out with this one guy. A different Ann, not the Ann that Nadia knows, a different Ann. And uh, she had a problem, the same thing, and she thought she might have missed her period, but it was somewhat normal and you can miss your period for like a week or two. What she did was, after she missed it, a couple days, she went down to Planned Parenthood and said that she’s only 14, I think. Yeah, 14 or 15, something like that. She went down and told them she didn’t want her parents knowing because they didn’t know she was having sex and so she went down and then she told them she needed the morning after pill because she might, she might be and she can’t have it. She said, “I don’t want my boyfriend knowing about it. You know the guy I had sex with” and so she went down and they gave her the morning after pill and she took it, like seven pills you have to take, and then you take it. And then what happens is it makes your body start having like your normal period.
V:Then when we had sex, did you pull out when you comed.
S:Yes, I did.
S:But, it isn’t abnormal that you miss your period because she missed hers like by a week. She got worried, she went in and she took this. They’re like, there are several pills you take, they give you in a little packet, it doesn’t cost you anything. They ask for you to make a donation, but what you do is, you take it. And it starts making you like having your period. And you have them for like seven days. Cause, how long is your normal period?
V:Um, about six days
S:Six days? Okay. You’ll be on it for about seven days, seven to eight days, somewhere around there. And then after you take for…you just read the directions, you take it and once it’s gone, it’s, that’s it.
V:Well, also Ann is kinda worried that she has an STD and she doesn’t know if it’s from you or Tim, but it could be from you because I’m kind of hurting down there too.
S:Well, it isn’t from me because I just got my test results back. They did a physical. And they do a full physical and so and they did a blood test and a urine test and I came with nothing.
V: Did you wear a condom when you had sex with Ann?
V:Did you wear a condom when you had sex with Ann?
S:Um, first time yes, second time, no. But the second time was on the same day, I think it was.
S:But she said that she…first of all, I don’t think she has an STD. First of all, I think it’s because, when usually, when somebody has sex with someone who is, well, a lot larger than somebody they had sex with before, it does hurt, because when I had sex with Nadia, she said it hurt for like a couple hours and then like the first time, she said it hurt for a couple days. When I had sex with her, she said it hurt for a couple days. But, I don’t have anything because I just got my test results back yesterday. I don’t have anything. I gotta go back in on December 8th, to take another physical for my doctor.
S:That includes also they do blood, they do a blood test.
V:All right. Well, I better…
S:I’m fine. Tim you probably have to worry about. Uh, she told me that she didn’t have sex, like she didn’t have sex with Tim because he just couldn’t get it up. And that day, after that, the day that she had sex with Tim, she had sex after I had sex with her.
S:So, if she contracted something, that would be on her.
S:Because…is it still hurting?
V:For who?
S:It is?
V:For me?
S:So like what kind of pain do you feel?
V:Well, like it hurts for me to go pee and like it stings really…
S:…a urinary infection.
S:The only thing you can really catch from a guy is like gonorrhea, but it wouldn’t affect your urine. That’s more of a bladder type of infection. The only thing you can really catch from a guy is likecrabs or um, it is possible to catch like gonorrhea, but girls don’t get the same as guys do, it doesn’t hurt when you pee, that’s a bladder infection.
V:I gotta go because my parents are gonna be home soon. I’ll go to Planned Parenthood and I’ll tell you if I am or not. Okay?
S:Okay. And if you don’t want to have it, like you don’t want to keep it. Then uh, go down to Planned Parenthood and tell them, you know, if you are, in fact, and that pill thing doesn’t work.
S:Then…I don’t see why it wouldn’t, but if it doesn’t work and you want to have an abortion, go to Planned Parenthood and tell them you want to have an abortion and you can’t afford it and they’ll take care of it.
S:But let me know what’s going on either way. Okay?
V:All right.
S:I got to get going to work. Okay?
S:Okay, bye.
The public needs to demand that Planned Parenthood is defunded today!