Guest Column

Poll: Public favors pro-life lawmakers over lawmakers who favor unrestricted abortion

pro-life generation, petition

( A new poll for National Right to Life conducted by The McLaughlin Group finds that a pro-life candidate who would allow abortion in cases of rape, incest, and to save the mother’s life would beat a candidate favoring unlimited abortion for any reason.

In the poll of 1,000 voters taken September 16-22, 2022, respondents were asked to choose between a pro-life candidate who would allow abortion in cases of the life of the mother, rape, or incest and who opposed taxpayer funding of abortion, and a candidate who would allow unlimited abortion for any reason paid for with tax dollars – an extreme position advocated by the Democratic party platform.

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A total of 47.1% said they would vote for the pro-life candidate compared to just 44.2% who would vote for the pro-abortion candidate.

Respondents were also asked to choose between a pro-life candidate who would allow abortion in cases of the life of the mother, medical emergencies, rape, or incest and who opposed taxpayer funding of abortion and a candidate favoring unlimited abortion for any reason paid for with tax dollars.

In this case the pro-life candidate prevailed 49.3% to 42.1%.

The pro-life candidate in the latter case mirrored the provisions of legislation recently passed in West Virginia and Indiana. Neither piece of legislation contained any penalties for the mother.

In each case the pro-life candidate took a position typical of Republican candidates running for office, while the candidate favoring unlimited abortion took a position typical of Democratic candidates.

“As has been the case for decades, pro-life candidates enjoy a distinct advantage over their pro-abortion challengers,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “These poll results underscore the importance of pro-life candidates clearly articulating their position while making sure voters understand the extreme position of their pro-abortion opponent.

The polling toplines can be read here:

Editor’s Note: This press release was originally published at National Right to Life Committee (

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