
Pope Francis defends human life in the womb to pro-abortion youth activists

A new special on Hulu features Pope Francis having conversations with young people from around the world on difficult topics.

The program, called “The Pope: Answers,” discusses issues ranging from immigration to feminism, from child sex abuse to pornography. And, of course, abortion was mentioned as well, with most of the young women present arguing fiercely for it. But Pope Francis remained steadfast, saying we must be compassionate to post-abortive women, but remain dedicated to fighting for life.

One of the women, Milagros, is from Argentina. She described herself as a feminist and abortion supporter. Argentina legalized abortion in December of 2020, with abortion allowed for any reason through 14 weeks gestation. Much of Argentina is pro-life, and thousands protested legalizing abortion. Yet outside funding and influence, such as from Planned Parenthood, ended up being more influential than Argentinian voices.

“I’m part of an organization called ‘Catholic Women For a Right to Decide,'” Milagros began. “Back in 2019, when I was teaching the catechism, the abortion debate was taking place. There was something that didn’t add up; why did the Church want to stand between a woman and her rights? No? I think Jesus would walk with that woman. He wouldn’t judge her like they would during Mass at a church.”

“I know people who have been through abortions,” she continued. “Instead of teaching the gospel, they point at them and call them murderers and are horrible to them. But they go to church to find God’s love. They want to listen to the word.”

Then, with tears in her eyes, she presented Pope Francis with a green bandana, with the words “Keep abortion legal, safe, free” printed onto it. She explained that she had kept it with her until now as a symbol, and wanted to give it to him “lovingly and respectfully.”

Pope Francis, who is also from Argentina, accepted the bandana, and kissed Milagros on the cheek before answering.

“You emphasized understanding towards the woman who gets an abortion,” he said. “In regards to that, I always tell priests that, when a person in such a situation comes to them, with a guilty conscience, because abortion leaves such a deep mark in a woman, I advise them not to ask questions and to be merciful, such as Jesus was. Jesus welcomes all.”

Despite this gesture of compassion for post-abortive women, he continued by reiterating his pro-life principles.


He previously compared abortion to hiring a hitman and has criticized the culture of death, which supports throwing away preborn children if they are deemed inconvenient. During the Hulu special, he continued advocating for the right to life.

“The problem of abortion should be addressed scientifically,” he said. “Any embryology book shows us that a month after conception, the DNA is aligned, and all the organs are drawn. It is therefore not just a bunch of cells put together, but a systematized human life. So, the question that should be submitted when talking about the morality of this is: ‘Is it valid to eliminate a human life to solve a problem?’ You’d go to a doctor. So, is it valid to pay a hitman to eliminate a human life to solve a problem?”

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Milagros and other young women in the room immediately began firing back in support of abortion, but another young woman from Spain, Maria, spoke up against it.

“I wanted to say I live the same things, but from the other side,” she said. “On Saturdays, I go to abortion clinics, stay at the door, and talk to the girls who are going in. I ask them what they need, or why they have made that decision. Many times, they do it out of fear that their parents will kick them out of their homes. ‘I won’t be able to study anymore, I have no money, I’m afraid. I have too many children and I can’t have any more.’ If you can find a solution for the problem that made them get there, they don’t have the abortion. I’ve seen it many times. Not as many as I may have liked. And I have never heard of any woman who regretted giving that life an opportunity. For Christians, life is a gift. And for atheists, if you don’t believe in eternal life, how can you take that child’s only life?”

She then added, “You are surrounded by women who have had abortions. Don’t you see the suffering abortion causes?”

Ultimately, Pope Francis said, “This isn’t a math problem, but a human problem. A woman who has an abortion cannot be left alone, we should stay with her. She’s made that decision, she’s had an abortion. We shouldn’t send her to hell all of a sudden or isolate her, no. We should stay by her side. But we should call a spade a spade. Staying by her side is one thing, but justifying the act is something else.”

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